The Transvaal Agricultural Union believes as many as a thousand skilled South African farmers could go to plough their own furrow in Georgia where the government is offering them 80,000 ha
Anuradha Mittal talks about land grabbing
Video of Via Campesina action at the FAO headquarters in October 2010
- Via Campesina
17 November 2010
Agri-Vie, a private equity fund focused on food and agribusiness investments - including farmland - in subSaharan Africa, closed its first fund with participation from Kellogg Foundation, NorFund, IFC and AfDB.
More than $9 billion of prized agricultural assets have been sold to offshore interests in the past two years alone.
- Daily Telegraph
15 November 2010
Enquête de la chaîne de télévision française M6 sur les activités économiques des Chinois au Cameroun y compris dans les domaines de la peche et la riziculture (4ème partie)
Investors have found a new target -- farmland in eastern Germany. As a result, the price of agricultural land there has soared by up to 100 percent. Many farmers are concerned about their survival after their current lease agreements run out in two years.
- Deutsche Welle
12 November 2010
Entretien avec Ndjoya Dieudonné, membre du Comité de développement de la région de Ndo (CODEN)
08 November 2010
Wie sich DWS-Fonds der Deutschen Bank am "Land Crapping" beteiligen
Olivier de Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, and Smita Narula, Center for Human Rights and Global Justice, discuss land grabbing on Democracy Now!
- Democracy Now!
28 October 2010
Entretien avec Camille Bethoux, de Peuples solidaires, en partenariat avec la Semaine de la solidarité internationale, du 13 au 21 novembre 2010
- Alternatives Economiques
26 October 2010
Immer mehr Länder, Nahrungsmittelkonzerne, Banken und Investmentfonds pachten langfristig Ackerland in den afrikanischen und asiatischen Entwicklungsländern.