Sudan farmers fear land grab by foreigners
- Al Jazeera
- 01 January 2012
Government plan to revive economy by selling fertile land to investors sparks anger. Al Jazeera reports.
Government plan to revive economy by selling fertile land to investors sparks anger. Al Jazeera reports.
Channel4News Jonathan Rugman has special report from Ethiopia on the revolution in agricultural production - but small tenant farmers say they now have less food to eat than before the changes began.
Vor mehr als zehn Jahren wurden rund 400 Bauernfamilien in Mubende, Uganda, von ihrem Land und aus ihren Dörfern vertrieben. Sie mussten einer Kaffeeplantage weichen.
Argentina's congress has started to debate a bill that would regulate the purchase of farmland by foreigners in the Latin American country, Press TV reports.
In un viaggio che va dagli uffici di Washington della Banca Mondiale fino a una rivolta contadina nel cuore dell'Africa Occidentale, la puntata di domenica 18 dicembre cerca di percorrere i fili intrecciati di finanza, politica e modelli di sviluppo economico che stanno muovendo una corsa globale all'accaparramento di terra.
Neil Crowder - CEO Chayton Africa presenting on Investing in Zambia's agriculture - Zambia Investment Forum London 2011
"There's a lot of money chasing the grow-out of agricultural land right now," says Gary Thien of Thien Farm Management.
"Il y a certainement des abus, j'en suis concient," dit Olivier Combastet, le directeur de Pergam Finance qui investit sur les terres argentines via sa structure Campos Orientales
Gwen Schulman, de la radio communautaire montréalaise CKUT-FM, parle à Sidy Ba Secrétaire général du Cadre de concertation des producteurs d'arachides au Sénégal, de l'accaparement des terres par des pays et des compagnies étrangères.
Anuradha Mittal of Oakland Institute speaking on land grabs at Moana Nui, November 2011
As the global financial downturn pushes investors into finding alternative business ventures, land investment has become an attractive proposition.
Pension funds and other corporate owners have spent only a tiny fraction of the billions of dollars they could invest in farmland, but they are definitely kicking the tires on potential purchases.