• Sudan farmers fear land grab by foreigners
    • Al Jazeera
    • 01 January 2012

    Government plan to revive economy by selling fertile land to investors sparks anger. Al Jazeera reports.

  • Channel4News - agriculture revolution or land grab?
    • Ethiotube
    • 29 December 2011

    Channel4News Jonathan Rugman has special report from Ethiopia on the revolution in agricultural production - but small tenant farmers say they now have less food to eat than before the changes began.

  • Uganda/Mubende: Hunger muss vor Gericht!
    • FIAN
    • 20 December 2011

    Vor mehr als zehn Jahren wurden rund 400 Bauernfamilien in Mubende, Uganda, von ihrem Land und aus ihren Dörfern vertrieben. Sie mussten einer Kaffeeplantage weichen.

  • Argentina limits ownership by foreigners
    • Press TV
    • 19 December 2011

    Argentina's congress has started to debate a bill that would regulate the purchase of farmland by foreigners in the Latin American country, Press TV reports.

  • Corso alla terra
    • RAI3
    • 18 December 2011

    In un viaggio che va dagli uffici di Washington della Banca Mondiale fino a una rivolta contadina nel cuore dell'Africa Occidentale, la puntata di domenica 18 dicembre cerca di percorrere i fili intrecciati di finanza, politica e modelli di sviluppo economico che stanno muovendo una corsa globale all'accaparramento di terra.

  • Neil Crowder at Zambia Investment Forum London 2011
    • Country Factor
    • 09 December 2011

    Neil Crowder - CEO Chayton Africa presenting on Investing in Zambia's agriculture - Zambia Investment Forum London 2011

  • Huge interest in US and farmland investment
    • Ag Professional
    • 02 December 2011

    "There's a lot of money chasing the grow-out of agricultural land right now," says Gary Thien of Thien Farm Management.

  • Les terres d'Amérique Latine suscitent les convoitises
    • Le Figaro
    • 17 November 2011

    "Il y a certainement des abus, j'en suis concient," dit Olivier Combastet, le directeur de Pergam Finance qui investit sur les terres argentines via sa structure Campos Orientales

  • Accaparement des terres - M. Sidy Ba, CCPA
    • YouTube
    • 16 November 2011

    Gwen Schulman, de la radio communautaire montréalaise CKUT-FM, parle à Sidy Ba Secrétaire général du Cadre de concertation des producteurs d'arachides au Sénégal, de l'accaparement des terres par des pays et des compagnies étrangères.

  • Anuradha Mittal at Moana Nui
    • Vimeo
    • 11 November 2011

    Anuradha Mittal of Oakland Institute speaking on land grabs at Moana Nui, November 2011

  • Agriculture investment: Solid ground for unstable times
    • CNBC
    • 08 November 2011

    As the global financial downturn pushes investors into finding alternative business ventures, land investment has become an attractive proposition.

  • Big money warms to farmland
    • DTN
    • 01 November 2011

    Pension funds and other corporate owners have spent only a tiny fraction of the billions of dollars they could invest in farmland, but they are definitely kicking the tires on potential purchases.

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