• Qatar seeks solution to food crisis
      • The Peninsula
      • 25 July 2008

      Dr Kayan Jaff, the FAO’s regional chief, has warned that only a multi-billion dollar investment in agriculture will curb soaring supermarket prices — urging governments to buy up farmland in regions like the Horn of Africa and Asia.

    • Enter the new farmers
      • Reuters
      • 25 July 2008

      What’s with farming these days? The humble, even if slightly romantic vocation, is attracting a new breed of participants as investing in farmland and agriculture becomes the latest fad in the world of investments.

    • On the hunt for farmland in Russia
      • Ag Capita
      • 25 July 2008

      Companies listed on European exchanges have been acquiring large amounts of farmland in Russia

    • Ethiopia gives Djibouti's Guelleh farmland-officials
      • Reuters
      • 22 July 2008

      Land-locked Ethiopia has given Djiboutian President Omar Ismail Guelleh large tracts of land for wheat farming and a lakeside holiday home, officials said on Tuesday.

    • Qatar, Sudan in farming tie-up
      • Sudan Tribune
      • 22 July 2008

      As part of Doha’s efforts to ensure food security, Qatar and Sudan yesterday agreed to establish a joint holding company, which is expected to focus on agricultural investment, food industry and animal husbandry.

    • UAE signs MoU with Philippines to ensure food supply
      • Gulf News
      • 22 July 2008

      The UAE is exploring opportunities in the Philippines to ensure the availability of certain food stocks in the country, an official said.

    • Water calculus steers farming in Arab nations
      • New York Times
      • 20 July 2008

      Global food shortages have placed the Middle East and North Africa in a quandary, as they are forced to choose between growing more crops to feed an expanding population or preserving their already scant supply of water.

    • China and Mozambique invest in the Zambezi Valley to make Chinese “grain store”, says researcher
      • Macauhub
      • 20 July 2008

      Chinese and Mozambican governments want to make the Zambezi Valley region of Mozambique a centre for rice production for the Chinese market, which is faced with increased consumption and less and less arable land, says researcher Loro Horta, a specialist in relations between China and Portuguese-speaking African countries.

    • Flour crisis – no end in sight
      • The Post
      • 20 July 2008

      Sources say that UAE businessmen are considering buying large land holdings and importing food items from Pakistan at 20-25 percent less cost.

    • Gulf states look to harvest food from investment in Asia
      • AFP
      • 20 July 2008

      One issue reportedly delaying UAE investment in Pakistan is the Gulf state appearing to want “blanket exemption” from Islamabad’s agricultural export policies.

    • Kuwait likely to invest in overseas farmland, says head of UCCS
      • Food Business Review
      • 18 July 2008

      As part of a national food plan, the country is particularly considering investment in chicken farms.

    • Kuwait eyes investment in overseas farmlands
      • The Peninsula
      • 17 July 2008

      A Kuwaiti cooperative union said yesterday the Gulf Arab state was interested in investing in farmland abroad to help secure food supplies, but would focus on local farms for now and a possible subsidies expansion.

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