Soudan : 100 mille hectares de terres agricoles allouées aux exploitants turcs
- 13 August 2021
La Turquie a le droit d’exploiter 100 mille hectares de terres agricoles soudanaises, selon un accord entre Ankara et Khartoum.
La Turquie a le droit d’exploiter 100 mille hectares de terres agricoles soudanaises, selon un accord entre Ankara et Khartoum.
At a bilateral meeting, Sudan and Turkey reiterate the agreement giving Turkish companies an initial 100,000 hectares of lands in Sudan for agricultural projects, with the promise of a further 700,000 hectares.
Menée par la société d’investissement "Al-Filaha-ATLAS", fruit d’un partenariat privé algéro-turc, cette expérience vise à construire une plate-forme de production de blé, de légumineuses, de betterave et de tournesol avec des procédés industriels modernes répondant aux standards internationaux dans le cadre de la mise en valeur des terres agricoles
La création des réserves foncières, les concessions agricoles et les locations sont sources de litiges au Cameroun
This transaction is the second major agricultural investment in Romania by TC Capital, which is managed by Turkish businessmen Ali Capa and Ertugrul Karaevli.
Le gouvernement camerounais autorise la mise à disposition à Wassande, dans la région de l’Adamaoua, d’une superficie de 5000 hectares au profit de la société turque Paksan Tekstil Sanayii.
Saudi Arabia-based SAK Consultants is looking into investing in land or forming a partnership with landowners to export vegetables and meat to Saudi Arabia.
Turkish investors have been cooperating with Kuwaiti businesspeople to invest some $100 million in greenhouses on a 100 hectare area in the Karaali region to export agricultural products to Gulf countries.
The new office of the Turkish and Sudanese joint agricultural and livestock company will commence works on a 12,500 ha pilot farm, as part of an agreement in which 780,000 ha in Sudan have been earmarked for Turkish companies.
Ahmet Hasan, the general manager of Royal Link, which manages the investments of Qatar Holding, says they have acquired a huge tract of land for the production of dried fruit and several Qatari companies have acquired other large areas of farmland.
Turkey-Sudan Business Council Chair Mehmet Ali Korkmaz indicated that 780,000 hectares of land leased by Turkey in Sudan would be open to Turkish investors and agriculture production, doubling Turkey's crop.
According to the agreement, Turkey will lease a total of 793,000 hectares in six different regions in Sudan, of which 12,500 hectares will be allocated to the joint company. The rest will be leased to private sector firms.
Gli alberi della discordia