• Investors make land bets as agriculture play
    • Market Watch
    • 13 September 2011

    Agrifirma, a private investment company backed by financier Lord Rothschild, transferred around half of its assets to a new joint venture with Brazilian private equity firm BRZ Investimentos.

  • EBRD channels more resources to support farm land cultivation in Ukraine
    • The Financial
    • 02 July 2011

    EBRD funds Ukrfarm, a subsidiary of the Renaissance Group, to bring an additional 50,000 hectares of land in the Ukraine into crop production.

  • Foreign investors run fingers through Ukraine's black earth
    • bne
    • 15 April 2011

    Chinese and other eastern investors are looking to buy agriculture land and agribusiness across the globe, and Ukraine is increasingly on their radar.

  • Rising world food prices may soon hit Africa hard, but could be a future boon
    • CSMonitor
    • 16 February 2011

    Africa is bracing for short-term trouble, but sustained high prices could spark agribusiness investment across the continent.

  • Asia, Middle East target Ukraine farms to secure supplies, Raiffeisen says
    • Bloomberg
    • 03 February 2011

    Asian and Middle East buyers want to buy agriculture companies in Ukraine to secure supply of grains and oilseeds, Vienna-based Raiffeisen Investment AG said.

  • Foreign investors snap up African farmland
    • Der Spiegel
    • 30 July 2009

    Because of the political sensitivity of the modern-day land grab, it is often only the country's head of state who knows the details. Der Spiegel investigates.

  • Food security in Africa: China's new rice bowl
    • China Brief
    • 27 May 2009

    Most Chinese investment in African agriculture is concentrated in southern Africa: Mozambique, Tanzania, Malawi and, increasingly, Angola.

  • La konkista de la tierra
    • La Jornada
    • 27 December 2008

    Los defensores del modelo de poner a producir las tierras desde los gobiernos, inversionistas o grandes corporaciones argumentan que se generan puestos de trabajo, que se hace rendir tierras ociosas y que se producen alimentos. Pero en ese análisis falta el principal elemento. La pobreza en el mundo reside en el campo, precisamente por modelos como éste.

  • Russian farming: from basket case to breadbasket
    • Associated Press
    • 19 September 2008

    “Foreigners who come here get astonished at the gleaming black earth,” said Viktor Karnushin, head of a local subsidiary of Sweden’s Black Earth Farming corporation, one of the biggest foreign players in Russian farming.

  • Investors plow money into Russian farming, but problems remain
    • Reuters
    • 06 August 2008

    Investors are plowing money into Russia’s open lands to resuscitate the long-neglected farm sector and supply a world in ever greater need of food.

  • Business eyes Ukraine’s fertile land
    • Financial Times
    • 19 June 2008

    “Look at the colour, what a beautiful crop,” says Richard Spinks, pointing to wheat and rapeseed fields that his company sowed this season in western Ukraine. “If all of Ukraine’s farms could produce the yields we are getting, this country could play a big role in feeding the world and establish itself as a geopolitical power,” says the British chief executive of London-listed Landkom.

  • Ukraine capitalizing on food crisis
    • Kyiv Post
    • 12 June 2008

    The expectation in Ukraine is that billions of dollars of fresh investment and agriculture reforms, namely sanctioning of agriculture land sales, could double or triple domestic grain production to 100-150 million tons levels in the long term.

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