The Chinese role in agriculture – in terms of business investment, technology transfer, demonstration efforts, training and more – is growing, and shaping perceptions.
- The Conversation
28 Mar 2016
A new Open Access Special Issue in World Development based on our work on the changing role of China and Brazil in Africa’s agriculture is now available
The African Institute for Agrarian Studies brought Southern scholars, activists, practitioners, and farmers to Harare, Zimbabwe to learn from each other’s work and experiences to advance social justice projects for the rural global South.
Book provides a variety of ingenious, creative, and practical strategies for proactively confronting the forces that undermine community land and natural resource tenure security in Africa.
Wanjin Agricultural Development Company operates 10 farms in a venture with Zimbabwe's Ministry of Defense with a total land size exceeding 10,000 ha and it hopes to have acquired 40,000 ha more by 2018.
Rollex, an agriculture division of UK-based Lonrho, has more than 150 farmers under its contract scheme and also runs its own farms.
Zimbabwean peasant farmers accuse Billy Rautenbach of destroying their livelihoods.
- Mail & Guardian
04 September 2015
“As plantações não são propriedade dos fracos na sociedade, mas das empresas ou pessoas físicas ricas com fortes contatos econômicos e, às vezes, políticos".
Zimbabwe's Parliament has ordered Arda board chairman Basil Nyabadza to clarify the status of the land at the centre of an ownership wrangle between Green Fuel and the Chisumbanje community.
- News Day
26 February 2015
Investors and hedge funders paying next to nothing for vast tracts of land in some African countries is a worrying trend and puts into context the Zimbabwe land policy and reform.
Amatheon Agri, a Berlin based agribusiness and farming company, is set to embark on a countrywide expansion of grain production in Zimbabawe after a successful pilot maize farming project
- The Herald
12 February 2015
The Zimbabwean company, Greenfuels, has acquired 30,000 hectares of land for a sugar cane plantation in Kawambwa’s Luena farm block.
- Zambia Daily Mail
18 August 2014