• China's Belt and Road sparks battle of the breadbaskets
    • Nikkei
    • 28 November 2017

    Thanks to the railway and other projects, former Soviet bloc countries like Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan smell opportunity for boosting agricultural exports to China. So does Russia.

  • Groupe de la Banque mondiale : Des détracteurs de projets sont menacés, harcelés et emprisonnés
    • Human Rights Watch
    • 22 June 2015

    La Banque mondiale n’a pas pris de mesures suffisantes pour empêcher ou dissuader les gouvernements d’intimider les personnes critiques à l’égard des projets financés par la Banque, a déclaré Human Rights Watch dans un rapport publié aujourd’hui.

  • Abu Dhabi looks to Sudan to secure food supply
    • Financial Times
    • 03 June 2010

    Abu Dhabi is preparing to launch a large-scale agricultural project in Sudan to develop more than 70,000 acres of land as part of the oil-rich Gulf emirate's efforts to secure food supplies.

  • Gulf food security: is there enough, and at what price?
    • The Middle East
    • 01 July 2008

    Both public and private sector investors in the Gulf are also looking at ways to improve local food supplies, by investing in a range of outlets from arable farm land in the Sudan, Algeria and Pakistan to introduce new technology to enhance the local production of foodstuffs and grains, livestock, poultry and fish.

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  • 07 Oct 2025 - Cape Town, South Africa
    Land, Life and Society: International conference on the road to ICARRD+20
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