La sécurité alimentaire dans la péninsule arabique
    Les pays du Golfe cherchent à stimuler la production alimentaire dans d'autres pays pour soutenir leurs populations croissantes.
    • Momagri
    • 25 October 2010
    Gulf investors need to look at CIS market
    Since GCC countries have the required financial capacity and advanced financial systems, they can benefit from investment opportunities in agricultural production in CIS, where Gulf funds may bring about significant changes in the production and trade in food commodities in global markets
    • Gulf News
    • 05 August 2010
    The GCC stocks the larder against future food crisis
    The GCC states are rapidly pursuing contracts for the purchase of land from eastern Africa to Vietnam to guarantee ample food supplies
    • The National
    • 11 July 2010
    Gulf economist says no follow up on GCC land grabs
    Leading Gulf economist Dr Eckart Woertz says plans by GCC states to buy farmland in Asian and African countries were not materialising despite announcements to the contrary.
    • Arabian Business
    • 28 June 2010
    Arab food gap crosses $180bn over past decade
    Study says creation of a farm fund is crucial for the success of Arab agricultural projects aimed at achieving self-sufficiency since most fertile countries in the region lack sufficient investments.
    • EB
    • 27 June 2010
    Indonesia sees rice crop up, seeks Gulf farm investment
    Indonesia aims to attract Gulf Arab investors to develop "sleeping land" says Agriculture Minister during meetings with businessmen in Riyadh.
    • Reuters
    • 12 June 2010
    L’Etiopia ridotta alla fame dà cibo ai ricchi Paesi arabi
    Con una dozzina di grandi laghi, altrettanti corsi d’acqua principali e oltre 3,5 milioni di ettari di terra irrigata, l’Etiopia è il «sogno blu» per gli investitori dell’arido Golfo arabo.
    • Avvenire
    • 23 May 2010
    Local food production not viable
    GCC countries are doing the right thing by increasingly exploring investments in farmlands abroad, says Jasim Ali, Bahraini MP.
    • Gulf News
    • 09 May 2010
    Gulf Cooperation Council food security: balancing the equation
    "A key obstacle to more transparent debate and informed decisions by governments and investors [involved in global land transactions] is the lack of science-based information," writes Surendra Shah in Nature magazine
    • Nature
    • 25 April 2010
    The latest crop of landowners gives food for thought
    Such huge transfers of agricultural power must surely come with consequences that are worthy of closer regulatory inspection.
    • The National
    • 18 April 2010
    ME’s farmland buys in Africa seen as 'a win-win partnership'
    The head of a 19-state African trading bloc has denied the Gulf’s policy of snapping up cheap farmland across the continent is tantamount to a ‘neo-colonialist’ land grab.
    • Arabian Business
    • 15 April 2010
    Stronger GCC-ASEAN ties pledged
    Vietnam President Nguyen Minh Triet, current chair of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, pledged to bolster Saudi-ASEAN cooperation in view of ASEAN's reliance on the Gulf states' oil and the Gulf states' need for overseas farmland for their own food security.
    • Arab News
    • 12 April 2010

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