“In the very short term land will became scarcest for Mozambicans because the government is attracting foreign investors arguing that we have huge unused land“, a spokesperson for UNAC told IPS. “What happens, in fact, when investors come, their appetite is centered on land already being used by locals.”
Entrevista com o governo federal deputado Luiz Nishimori
- Palvraberta
13 February 2013
Report on Japan's role in the ProSAVANA programme in Mozambique by Sayaka Funada Classen.
Este artigo de Sayaka Funada Classen examina as características e os antecedentes do Programa de Cooperação Triangular para o Desenvolvimento da Agricultura das Savanas Tropicais em Moçambique assinado conjuntamente pelos governos do Japão, Brasil e Moçambique em 2009.
A Justiça Ambiental/FOE Moçambique condena veemente todo o processo de elaboração e implementação do ProSavana
Justiça Ambiental (Friends of the Earth - Mozambique) strongly condemns the whole process of preparing and implementing ProSavana
The Mozambican government has insisted that no farmer will lose land as a result of the “Pro-Savana” agricultural development programme in the north of the country.
Imagine a land of 14 million hectares, bigger than Switzerland and Austria combined. Populated by millions of farming families that together practice shifting cultivation. Now imagine a foreign consultant saying that all of these are abandoned lands.
Governments, IFIs and corporations are collaborating in major new projects to reorder land and water use and create industrial infrastructure over millions of ha in Africa to ensure sustained supplies of commodities and profits for markets.
- EcoNexus
11 December 2012
Au Mozambique, un méga projet menace de déplacer des millions de paysans
- Brasil de Fato
30 November 2012
Mega projeto brasileiro poderá deslocar milhões de camponeses em Moçambique.
- Brasil de Fato
30 November 2012
A Brazilian megaproject in Mozambique is set to displace millions of peasants
- Brasil de Fato
30 November 2012