Colombia y Honduras son considerados como dos de los países más peligrosos del mundo para los defensores de los derechos humanos, el medio ambiente y los derechos a la tierra.
The Dutch development bank FMO says its investments promote oil palm plantations in local communities. But the local communities are not welcoming these plantations. They want their land back.
Front Line Defenders identifies the root causes of violence in Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico and the Philippines, where more than 80% of the human rights defenders killed globally over the last four years were murdered.
- The Journal
14 September 2018
América Latina mantuvo en 2017 el primer lugar en el ranking mundial de asesinatos contra personas defensoras de la tierra y el medio ambiente elaborado por Global Witness.
- Comunicaciones Aliadas
25 February 2018
ASONOG asked for an investigation and clarification into the murder of Leodan Andrés Mancías Argüello, who was found dead in the Paso Aguan farm property of Dinant on November the 14th.
- Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
11 December 2017
Nearly four people were murdered each week last year while defending their homes, lands and forests from mining, dams and agricultural projects.
A new study comparing forest loss and cocaine busts supports the theory that drug money is being laundered into large-scale agriculture in Central America.
Peasants in Honduras have sued a branch of the World Bank over its financing of the corporation Dinant, which has vast palm oil plantations in Bajo Aguán valley
Global firms and local elites are taking land from farmers, which pushes them to cities, where jobs are few.
- Huffington Post
16 January 2017
Le livre-reportage Terres à vendre est une minutieuse enquête sur les rachats de terres agricoles par l'agroindustrie, de partout sur la planète. Un ouvrage édifiant et inquiétant sur un phénomène mondial en pleine expansion.
Sept ans après le coup d’Etat au Honduras, les assassinats et la criminalisation à l’encontre des défenseurs des droits humains, de l’environnement, des communautés indiennes ou paysannes ne fléchissent pas.
- CNCD 11.11.11
12 July 2016
En mars, deux activistes qui s’opposaient au barrage d’Agua Zarca et à l’accaparement des terres ont été tués au Honduras.