Africa must be developed in a rush in order to avoid a global food crisis with huge changes, including a confrontation with chiefs, the role of women and the views on collective property, says Danish Minister for Development Cooperation.
Elizabeth afirmó que las mujeres de la Vía Campesina África apuntan a destacar el papel de las mujeres en la mayoría de los temas tales como el acaparamiento de tierras y las políticas neoliberales: desafíos que enfrentan también las mujeres.
- Radio Mundo Real
11 June 2013
La nueva oleada de inversiones empresariales en tierras parece tener como objetivo la expansión e intensificación de un modelo de cultivo con poca visión de futuro, el cual, hasta la fecha, ha marginado las voces y los intereses de las mujeres.
- Toma la Palabra
26 April 2013
Small-scale women farmers are the backbone of Africa's food system, but, as corporations buy up huge swathes of rural land, they are losing out at every turn. Marc Wegerif introduces a new Oxfam briefing paper.
Without strong interventions led by rural women themselves, corporate land deals will continue to perpetuate and deepen existing gender inequalities and contribute to increased levels of resource scarcity, poverty and conflict.
- Land & Poverty 2013
06 Mar 2013
Executive summary of Swedwatch's report on the Swedfund-supported Addax Bioenergy project in Sierra Leone
The report “Uncertain Futures. The impacts of Sime Darby on communities”, produced by SDI and WRM, gives a deeper insight in how industrial oil palm plantations affect women in a differentiated way.
Des femmes rurales du Sénégal affiliées à plusieurs structures agricoles ont plaidé, mardi à Diender (Thiès), pour leur accès aux terres et la fin de la spéculation foncière.
The land grab in Cambodia is creating an underclass of landless citizens who have no stake in society and nothing left to lose. Recourse to the law is not an option.
Activists are fighting to introduce or strengthen laws intended to give women more secure access to land and are combating social norms and practices that stand in their way.
- Africa Renewal
06 September 2012
The Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development has published a special issue of its bulletin on landgrabbing, its impacts on women and their resistance, across the Asia Pacific region.
Lors d’un atelier organisé par Synergie Paysanne, GRAIN et le RAPDA, avec le soutien de Pain pour le Prochain, à Ouidah (Bénin) du 7 au 9 février 2012, plus d’une trentaine de participants représentant des organisations paysannes et des ONG actives sur les questions d’accaparement des terres en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre ont échangé leurs expériences et approfondi cette question.