Caravan launched, online justice pilgrimage progresses, RECOWA Church on the move
- 02 December 2021
The 3rd edition of the West African caravan of the Global Convergence of Struggles for Land, Water and Seeds has commenced.
The 3rd edition of the West African caravan of the Global Convergence of Struggles for Land, Water and Seeds has commenced.
La Convergence Globale des Luttes pour la Terre et l’Eau – Afrique de l’Ouest vous invite à rejoindre et soutenir la Caravane ouest-africaine pour la terre, l’eau et les semences, qui mobilisera 15 pays de la sous-région en mars 2016
The Global Convergence of Land and Water Struggles – West Africa invites you to join the West African Caravan for Land, Water and Seeds, which will mobilize 15 countries of the sub-region in March 2016
The Government of The Gambia and Zoeve Seed Company sign MOU on a farming project that will commence with 1000 hectares for rice production.
Le dernier bulletin d'information de la Commission de l'UEMOA et du Hub Rural sur les actualités foncières ouest-africaines vient de paraître
New WRM video based on interviews with people from communities in Africa affected by the expansion of oil palm plantations.
Le sujet n'est pas à l'ordre du jour officiel du sommet de l'ONU sur le développement durable Rio+20 du 20 au 22 juin, mais il y sera porté par les ONG.
La firme américaine s'étend en Gambie et Sierra Léone.
US company with 100,000 ha in Guinea now looking to expand into The Gambia and Sierra Leone.
If the early reports are anything to go by, the Bangladeshi deals already incorporate many elements that suggest they are being done in a way likely to engender fierce resentment and opposition in the African countries concerned.
President says a Gulf State company is expected to invest $80-100 million in the country's agriculture in the near future, citing a 400,000 ha rice project.
Massive Riverina farm sold to Aussie investors
Situation Apouh: la Socapalm interpelle l’Etat !
UAE-based agtech to raise at least $100mln by year-end – report