US-based Agrovision says this acquisition is “the first major step” in establishing “a 52-week cherry supply strategy,” and that the company intends to plant up to 500 hectares of proprietary cherry varieties in Chile.
Toesca Permanent Crops II aims to invest US $350mn in a portfolio of permanent crops based on regenerative and sustainable practices, in Chile, Peru and other Latin American countries.
A new report has found that investors and agribusiness in Latin America are increasingly buying up small parcels of land with abundant water access, thus securing control over the vital resource.
Las tierras agrícolas de Chile son cada vez menos de chilenos y más de extranjeros. Aunque hubo una ola de compras chinas para cerezas, esta ha ido amainando. Ahora, vienen de Norteamérica, Europa y Arabia Saudita a adquirir predios para producir frutas, principalmente. Ya el 20% de las exportaciones frutícolas que salen de tierra chilena lo controlan fondos de inversión extranjeros.
Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan portfolio now includes 130,000 acres of agricultural land globally, from apple orchards to row crop farmland and aquaculture assets, in Australia, Chile, Canada, the US and Portugal
The company has reached a deal to buy both AvoAmerica Peru and Bomarea from U.S.-based Solum Partners and Alpine Fresh, it said on Saturday, following its January acquisition of Verfrut, which produces fruits in Chile and Peru.
Unifrutti Group in Abu Dhabi has bought Verfrut, a “prominent fresh produce player with a presence in Chile and Peru, where it operates over 7,500 hectares of fully integrated farming and processing facilities”
Nova empresa vai incorporar 315 mil hectares da Cosan no valor de R$ 14,6 bilhões e os 170 mil hectares administrados pela Nuveen/TIAA na América Latina, avaliados em cerca de R$ 4 bilhões.
- InfoMoney
08 January 2024
Operation creates Radar Gestão de Investimentos, a joint venture that will manage farmlands of the two companies in Latin America
- InfoMoney
08 January 2024
Folium’s portfolio of sustainably managed forestry and ag assets are diversified across Australia, Brazil, Chile, Panama, Portugal, Spain, the U.S., and Uruguay.
Tres principales gestoras - Sembrador Capital, Toesca y Credicorp - se han adentrado en este negocio para aprovechar los beneficios del sector, que proyecta rentabilidades de hasta 12%.
- Portal Terreno
28 April 2023
Un panorama de cuántos y quienes son los extranjeros que poseen territorio nacional.
- El Tiempo
09 December 2022