Report exposes how authoritarian development schemes have perpetuated cycles of poverty, food insecurity, and marginalized the country’s most vulnerable citizens.
- Oakland Institute
27 September 2016
Greenpeace International et Oakland Institute épinglent le département d'Etat américain dans une affaire d’accaparement de 73 000 ha de terres par la société américaine Herakles Farms au Cameroun
- Investir au Cameroun
07 September 2016
Cables obtained by the non-profit Oakland Institute through a Freedom of Information Act request reveal that U.S. government officials pushed Cameroon to approve a deeply controversial oil palm development owned by Herakles Farms.
World Bank accountability on forced resettlements resulting from its programs must be front and center at its spring meetings, taking place this week in Washington DC
- Oakland Institute
12 April 2016
An explosive new report exposing tax evasion and financial misreporting by logging industry in PNG only emphasizes the need to cancel the unlawful Special Agricultural and Business leases (SABLs).
Oakland Institute founder Anuradha Mittal profiles the heroic, dangerous work of Global South land rights activists like Nasako Besingi and Pastor Omot Agwa, who face violence and terror charges from hostile governments.
- This is Hell!
21 November 2015
Oakland Institute responds to reactions to its report by the owners of the industrial rice plantation in Mngeta.
- Oakland Institue
02 July 2015
The land rush unleashed around the world to own and exploit Earth’s natural bounty is not only fierce and unfair, but increasingly fatal, with lands, homes and forests bulldozed and cleared for foreign investors.
My Home, My Land is a graphic representation that dismantles the myths promoted by donor countries, development agencies, and corporations about the positive effects of foreign direct investments through large-scale land acquisitions.
- Oakland Institue
05 May 2015
New report gives damning indictment of the government’s mandatory resettlement policy carried out in a political climate of torture, oppression and silencing.
On Monday, March 23th the World Bank's Conference on Land and Poverty begins in the US. But farmer organizations, indigenous groups, trade unions and others denounce the whole exercise as a sham that is all about accelerating corporate land grabs and robbing the poor that the Bank was founded to assist.
- The Ecologist
20 Mar 2015
Civil society rejects the World Bank’s sham Conference on Land and Poverty and denounces the Bank’s role in global land grabs.
- Oakland Institute
03 Mar 2015