A new report from the Oakland Institute, reveals that several well-known pension funds, trusts and endowments are invested in a group of oil palm plantations in the Democratic Republic of Congo accused of environmental and human rights abuses.
Un recurso educativo que desmiente mitos utilizados para privatizar la tierra en todo el mundo, al tiempo que proporciona hechos sobre cómo los sistemas de tenencia consuetudinarios son fundamentales para proteger los medios de vida y garantizar el desarrollo sostenible para las personas y el planeta.
- Oakland Institute
26 February 2021
El discurso del desarrollo continúa cobrando fuerza a pesar de su rol decisivo en la crisis actual así como de los millones de medios de vida que ha destruido con desplazamientos y despojo.
A push to privatise land and other resources in countries from Ukraine to Papua New Guinea is hurting indigenous people and the rural poor, while increasing the risks linked to climate change.
Ethiopian security forces have undertaken major operations to disarm two local tribes in Lower Omo Valley—the Mursi and the Bodi—because of incidents related to the sugarcane plantations.
- Oakland Institute
30 October 2019
Giant dam and irrigated sugar plantations mean people in lower Omo valley face starvation and conflict, says US thinktank
Les agriculteurs des villages voisins du parc agro-industriel Bukanga Lonzo ont été dépossédés de leurs terres coutumières selon un nouveau rapport de l'Oakland Institute
- Mediacongo.net
06 April 2019
A new Oakland Institute report details how the Bank’s Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) project promotes large-scale land acquisitions and the expansion of agribusinesses in the developing world.
- Oakland Institue
24 January 2019
Ce nouveau rapport de l'Oakland Institute détaille comment la Banque préconise des réformes qui encouragent les acquisitions de terres à grande échelle et l'expansion de l'agrobusiness dans les pays en développement.
- Oakland Institute
24 January 2019
Sai Ramakrishna Karuturi tells Reuters that the governments of India and Ethiopia are working to “amicably resolve outstanding Karuturi issues”.
As the World Bank Group’s spring meetings get underway in Washington, DC, the Bank’s complicity in corporate grabbing of land and natural resources around the world has become more blatant than ever
- Oakland Institute
20 April 2017
A landmark report from the Oakland Institute elevates the voices of communities across the country who are opposing the theft of their land, made possible by the corrupt practices of local officials and foreign logging and palm oil companies.
- Oakland Institute
28 February 2017