From Ghana to Nigeria and Ivory Coast, communities impacted by the operations of Belgium’s SIAT Group seek an end to a decade-long conflict tied to SIAT’s extensive plantations.
- FIAN Belgium et al.
21 September 2023
Du Ghana au Nigeria en passant par la Côte d’Ivoire, des communautés exigent la résolution des conflits fonciers et sociaux qui perdurent depuis une décennie dans les plantations de palmiers à huile et d’hévéas de SIAT.
- FIAN Belgium
20 September 2023
The Communities who were contending over the equity distribution of ground rent by the owner of the estate, Wing Song M-House, finally reached a mutual understanding after a series of previous engagements with the ministry.
- Epistle News
01 September 2023
Le groupe nigérian Saroafrica a acquis 86,7% du capital de la société de droit belge Siat auprès de la holding Fimave aux mains de la famille Vanderbeek.
- Commodafrica
31 August 2023
Hundreds of farmers from the Ilua community of Ondo West Local Government Area of Ondo state have protested over an alleged encroachment, destruction, and sales of their cocoa plantations by the state government to foreign companies.
- The Tribune
27 August 2023
Au Nigeria, le gouvernement de l’Etat d’Ogun cherche à mobiliser 20 000 hectares de terres agricoles dans les localités de Yewa north et d’Imeko-Afon pour l’installation d’une rizière.
- Agence Ecofin
21 August 2023
The CSOs call for reforms to include a compulsory conflict conciliation procedure and the recognition of customary and legitimate land rights in their diversity.
- Nigeria Tribune
04 July 2023
Des ONG accusent la société belge Siat, spécialisée dans la production de caoutchouc, de ne pas respecter ses engagements envers des communautés locales africaines. Les communautés demandent une reprise du dialogue et la réparation des préjudices subis.
Communities are calling for a resumption of dialogue with a view to resolving the land conflicts and compensating the damage suffered.
Cocoa farmers in Oluwa Forest Reserve in Odigbo council area of Ondo State, have raised the alarm over the destruction of their N500m worth of cocoa plantations by thugs hired by oil palm plantation company SAO Agro-Allied Services Limited.
Health of Mother Earth Foundation says proposed agriculture investment by Egypt is about turning Nigerian farmers into farmhands and making them become cheap disposable labour to produce food for Egypt.
- Voice of Nigeria
02 June 2023
Tandis que le Nigeria importe du lait du Danemark, la ferme de Damau (200 ha) est la concrétisation de l’engagement de l’entreprise danoise dans la production locale de lait.