• Congo-Brazzaville: Free Land Expected to Lure South African Farmers
    • TradeInvest Africa (Cape Town)
    • 17 April 2009

    The Republic of Congo offered 10 million hectares of farm land to South African farmers to grow maize, soya beans and also establish poultry and dairy farms. In the deal being touted as the biggest in recent African history, farmers would be able to lease the land for free for 99 years.

  • Agriculture et Élevage : mise au point du ministère
    • Les Dépêches de Brazzaville
    • 17 April 2009

    Afin d’éclairer l’opinion sur l’information diffusée par une agence de presse internationale, portant état de l’offre gracieuse par le Congo aux Sud-Africains de 10 millions d’hectares de terres agricoles, le ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Élevage a fait une mise au point

  • Congo-Afrique du Sud : mise au point du ministère
    • Les Dépêches de Brazzaville
    • 17 April 2009

    À la suite de discussions au Congo avec une délégation des fermiers sud-africains, les parties congolaises et sud-africaines ont convenu d’une déclaration d’intention sur la mise à disposition de terres, la protection des agriculteurs et de leurs affaires, le bénéfice de l’exonération des droits et taxes de douane sur les intrants et les matériels agricoles.

  • Huge Congo land deal for South Africa's farmers
    • Reuters
    • 15 April 2009

    South African farmers have been offered 10 million hectares of farm land on which to grow maize and soya beans and on which to set up poultry and dairy farms in the Republic of Congo, South Africa’s main farmers union said yesterday.

  • Le Congo propose 10 millions d'hectares à des fermiers sud-africains
    • commodafrica.com
    • 15 April 2009

    L’accord pourrait être un des plus importants contrats fonciers d’Afrique à ce jour. Dix millions d’hectares de terres agricoles sont proposées par la République du Congo à des agriculteurs sud-africains pour y cultiver du maïs et du soja et y élever de la volaille et des vaches laitières, a annoncé hier Theo De Jager, vice-président d’Agriculture South Africa (AgriSA).

  • Congo-Brazzaville beckons local farmers
    • Farmers Weekly
    • 06 April 2009

    Congo-Brazzaville offers free irrigation land to South African farmers exclusively for 99 years. Six government farms of 135 000ha in the Niarri Valley and another 10?million hectares have also been made available.

  • China appropriates foreign and domestic land to build its rubber empire
    • Agweek
    • 12 January 2009

    Some Laotian farmers are losing their ancestral lands or being forced to become wage workers on what were once their fields

  • Nationalistic capitalism and the food crisis
    • China Dialogue
    • 03 June 2008

    One would expect China to add food crops, or farm land, into its growing number of arrangements with African nations, which could explain part of China’s support for Robert Mugabe in that potential breadbasket, Zimbabwe (one report states that China has already received rights to farm 250,000 acres, or 1,000 square kilometres, of corn in southern Zimbabwe).

  • China farms the world to feed a ravenous economy
    • The Associated Press
    • 04 May 2008

    As Beijing scrambles to feed its galloping economy, it has already scoured the world for mining and logging concessions. Now it is turning to crops to feed its people and industries. Chinese enterprises are snapping up vast tracts of land abroad and forging contract farming deals.

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