Why Saudi Arabia bought 14,000 acres of US farm land
- CS Monitor
- 28 Mar 2016
The Middle Eastern kingdom needs hay for its 170,000 cows. So, it's buying up farmland for the water-chugging crop in the drought-stricken American Southwest.
The Middle Eastern kingdom needs hay for its 170,000 cows. So, it's buying up farmland for the water-chugging crop in the drought-stricken American Southwest.
Al Dahra Agriculture a subsidiary of Al Dahra Holding and a prominent multinational feed and food agribusiness player headquartered in Abu Dhabi has held its first Feed and Food Symposium in Beijing China.
Al Dahra, groupe activant dans l’agroalimentaire, dont le siège social se trouve aux Emirats Arabes Unis, a jeté son dévolu sur l’Ouest algérien
Government agency announces that Al-Dahra Holding has expressed a desire to acquire 2.4 million acres of land in one of the largest valleys extending from Sahl al-Batana in the east to the River Nile state in northern Sudan.
Al Dahra et Jenaan travaillent avec le gouvernement égyptien à la création d’une joint-venture destinée à produire du blé dans des régions désertiques en Egypte.
UAE-based Al Dahra Agriculture aims to pump water from the country's Aswan High Dam reservoir and deliver it via a 50-kilometre canal to 100,000 acres of reclaimed farmland 60 km from the border with Sudan.
Egyptian PM Ibrahim Mahlab met with UAE Minister of State Ahmed Al Jaber and officials of Al Dahra Agriculture to assure them that the Egyptian government is removing obstacles to the company's projects in Toshka.
Serbia's anti-trust regulator said it has cleared plans by UAE-based Al Dahra International Investment to take over from Serbia's Rudnap Group a 51% stake in Belgrade-based agriculture company Rudnap Agrar.
African countries that missed out on Gulf cash pouring into agricultural projects elsewhere on the continent are trying to entice Arab investors with deals they say are designed to avoid problems of the past.
Face aux difficultés enregistrées en Afrique, les pays du Golfe réorientent leur stratégie d’investissement agricole vers des territoires moins risqués, notamment les États-Unis et l'Europe de l'Est.
The desert states of the Gulf are changing tack in their multi-billion dollar search for food security.
Rachat de la JAT, devenue Air Serbia, par Etihad, investissements massifs de la compagnie Al-Dahra en Voïvodine : les Émirats arabes unis sont en passe de devenir le premier investisseur étranger en Serbie. D’où vient un tel emballement ?
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