Sinoe County’s Superintendent Peter Wleh Nyensuah is backing an oil palm company’s illegitimate operations against a local community demanding its rights and holding the firm accountable.
Many rural communities affected by agricultural concessions in Liberia have seen their ancestral gravesites leveled in some of the worst land-grabs in human history.
But more than four years after signing a deal, five communities allege they were cheated. They say the company still owes them, and they demand retroactive payment.
A new report by Traidcraft Exchange finds that the UK-listed company Equatorial Palm Oil violated local townspeople’s right to their land in Liberia and are pushing them further into poverty.
Liberia would be better off with smaller community-run plantations that could supply multinational firms’ thirst for palm oil and put the wealth into the community, says SDI
Friends of the Earth Africa member groups visit the Joegbahn clan community in Liberia, which is facing threats from the Equatorial Oil Palm (EPO) Company to cede their remaining land to allow the company to expand its plantations.
Residents of Kahnkaye Chiefdom in Nyorwein District have selected new chiefs to lead a rejection of Equatorial Palm Oil (EPO) from expanding its plantation on their land.
Au Liberia, les communautés locales s'inquiètent de l'absence d'integration du régime foncier dans les principes directeurs de la Tropical Forest Alliance 2020