• Saudis request for 500,000 hectares
    • The Citizen Newspaper
    • 17 April 2009

    Saudi Arabian investors want to lease 500,000 hectares of farmland in Tanzania to grow rice and wheat.

  • Saudi Investors Eye Leasing Tanzanian Farmland
    • Reuters
    • 16 April 2009

    Saudi investors have asked Tanzania if they can lease 500,000 hectares of farmland mainly for rice and wheat farming as part of a plan to secure food supplies for the desert kingdom, officials said.

  • Saudi firm to invest $400m in Africa's agriculture
    • TradeInvest Africa
    • 15 April 2009

    Al Rajhi for International Investment will spend an estimated $400 million by 2011 to produce wheat and maize in Egypt and Sudan. The Saudi private firm is already farming 42,000 hectares of farmland in Egypt this year.

  • Saudis set aside $800m for foreign food
    • Financial Times
    • 14 April 2009

    Saudi Arabia is putting $800m into a new public company that will invest in overseas agricultural projects. The move signals a large step-up in Riyadh’s efforts to outsource supply for the kingdom’s food needs.

  • The growing lust for agricultural lands
    • Le Monde
    • 14 April 2009

    Not a day goes by without new acreage being signed over. "For Sale" ads for agricultural property are now featured in the international financial press. And there's no dearth of clients.

  • Saudis and South Koreans in new land rush
    • Land Gazette
    • 14 April 2009

    Two of the world's biggest land investors - Saudi Arabia and South Korea - have announced moves to improve their food security. A South Korean company is to buy 125,000 acres in Russia over the next four years and a Saudi group has set up a £600m fund to buy land.

  • Les terres agricoles, de plus en plus convoitées
    • Le Monde
    • 14 April 2009

    "Je crois que les tensions seront inévitables où que ce soit, faisant des enclaves agricoles étrangères de véritables forteresses assiégées."

  • SR3b bid for food security
    • Saudi Press Agency
    • 14 April 2009

    The Saudi Cabinet on Monday approved establishing a SR3 billion agricultural investments company that will partner the Saudi private sector in the quest to achieve food security in the Kingdom.

  • Saudis establish agribusiness to invest overseas
    • Reuters
    • 13 April 2009

    An agricultural investment firm owned by the Saudi government will focus on investing abroad to cultivate mainly wheat, rice, sugar and soybeans, a senior agriculture ministry official said on Monday.

  • L'agriculture délocalisable
    • Sud Ouest
    • 12 April 2009

    Des États à la recherche d'autonomie alimentaire et des grands groupes louent des millions d'hectares à l'étranger. Christian Bouquet, spécialiste en géopolitique, explique le phénomène.

  • Jordan to move forward on agricultural investments in Sudan
    • Sudan Times
    • 11 April 2009

    Jordan will dispatch a delegation to Sudan next Thursday headed by its agriculture minister Saeed Al-Masri to discuss an agreement on developing food farms in the East African country, according to media reports.

  • Saudi investors to put $100 mln into Ethiopia farm
    • Reuters
    • 06 April 2009

    A group of private Saudi investors plans to invest 375 million riyals to plant wheat, barley and rice in Ethiopia

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