With scarce arable land and water resources, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are expanding their agricultural diplomacy to improve food access and vying for agricultural cooperation with Africa
L'Italie investira dans 36 mille hectares de terres agricoles, et le Qatar pour 117 mille hectares, dans le sud de l'Algérie. C'est ce qu'indique un communiqué de la présidence de la République.
- Agenzia Nova
24 June 2024
Las tierras agrícolas de Chile son cada vez menos de chilenos y más de extranjeros. Aunque hubo una ola de compras chinas para cerezas, esta ha ido amainando. Ahora, vienen de Norteamérica, Europa y Arabia Saudita a adquirir predios para producir frutas, principalmente. Ya el 20% de las exportaciones frutícolas que salen de tierra chilena lo controlan fondos de inversión extranjeros.
Elite Agro exploite des fermes localement et à travers une centaine de projets dans le monde, dont l'Afrique, pour satisfaire le marché emirati.
Les sociétés de crédit carbone expulsent des communautés à travers l’Afrique.
- Observatoire de l'Europe
09 April 2024
Serbian companies Industrija mesa Matijevic, Delta Holding, Almex DOO, Coric Agrar DOO and LoginEKO (owned by a married Slovenian couple), along with Al Dahra Holding LLC and Elite Agro LLC from the United Arab Emirates are currently the largest landowners in Serbia, according to a Forbes Serbia report.
A military drone fell in the Big Island of Brăilei, in the area of the Filipoiu Farm within the Al-Dahra Agricost holding. The incident is considered by specialists to be the most serious for Romania since the beginning of the war launched by Russia against Ukraine.
The remaining land assets of what used to be PKB Corporation is being sold to a new company owned by the Serbian state
The company has reached a deal to buy both AvoAmerica Peru and Bomarea from U.S.-based Solum Partners and Alpine Fresh, it said on Saturday, following its January acquisition of Verfrut, which produces fruits in Chile and Peru.
“The Emiratis are farming and have withdrawn so much water from the ground that the entire town of Wenden has sunk by four feet,”
- The Cool Down
27 February 2024
The largest landowners in Serbia are Matijevic Meat Industry, Al Dahra (UAE), Delta Holding, Almex, Login EKO, Coric Agrar, Mile Blagojevic, Elite Agro (UAE), Al Rawafed (UAE) and Nicko, Forbes Serbia reports
- Beta Briefing
22 February 2024
Fadox Group International (EAU) et Allcot AG (Suisse) vont créer des plantations agroforestières sur 86.000 hectares dans le nord du pays pour la production de crédits carbone