• UAE company leases farmland in Morocco
    • Gulf Times
    • 19 November 2009

    An Abu Dhabi-based private sector investment firm has signed a contract to lease up to 700,000 hectares of farmland in Morocco, a company executive said yesterday.

  • UAE to look at farmland deals in Ukraine
    • Maktoob
    • 17 November 2009

    "Already we have received a lot of interest from the UAE to invest in Ukraine's agriculture sector, and we are offering all kinds of projects such as leasing of 100,000 hectares of land to the creation of animal farms with 3000 cows," Ukraine's agriculture minister said.

  • When wise investing leads to full stomachs
    • The National
    • 16 November 2009

    Why produce a low-value crop such as wheat using expensive water when the FAO says the global wheat harvest will this year be second only to last year’s record?

  • GCC urged to reduce its reliance on food imports
    • The National
    • 16 November 2009

    As the issue of global food security was being discussed yesterday in Rome by world leaders, a senior UN official here highlighted the need for GCC countries to address their dependence on food imports.

  • Land grabbing: the losers in the "win-win" situation
    • This is Diversity
    • 16 November 2009

    Four months ago I travelled to the United Arab Emirates and the Philippines to research agriculture's new land grab phenomenon as part of my postgraduate research. I expected my findings to be a blend of arguments from both sides of the debate. However, I concluded that there was a strong case to be made against the proposition of a "win-win" situation for every stakeholder.

  • EXCLUSIVE-New Gulf fund to target Africa, E.Europe farmland
    • Reuters
    • 12 November 2009

    A private sector fund worth $350 million plans to launch by the end of the year in the Gulf, with the aim of acquiring farmland in Romania, Moldova and Tanzania

  • Up for grabs: Deforestation and exploitation in Papua’s plantations boom
    • EIA
    • 11 November 2009

    The planned expansion of plantations in the Papuan provinces of Indonesia should be immediately suspended and reviewed amid concerns over massive deforestation and widespread exploitation of local communities, environmentalists warned today.

  • UAE investors - A key role in the Algeria economic development
    • Global Arab Network
    • 03 November 2009

    Emirates International Investment Company is currently in negotiations with Algerian authorities for the purchase of land to build a large-scale milk farm, Mahassil.

  • Giving away the family silver
    • Newsline
    • 26 October 2009

    If all these land deals will be beneficial to Pakistan in the long run, why is the government refusing to divulge the details of what is the citizens’ common property?

  • Healthy balance at stake in plans for food security
    • The National
    • 25 October 2009

    UAE foreign investment in food production have so far focused on leasing Pakistan and Sudan’s agricultural land, with new prospects in Cambodian rice, Canadian wheat and Australian beef. Alongside the strategic deals at the national level, private investment has followed which should open new channels of trade, for example, Al Qudra Holding has plans to grow grain and vegetables in Vietnam and Croatia as well as Pakistan.

  • ECSSR praises UAE diplomacy in Latin America
    • WAM
    • 19 October 2009

    The UAE is interested in investing in agriculture sector as one of the strongest sectors in Colombia due to the availability of fertile land and natural irrigation systems.

  • UAE seeks East Asia food security links
    • Gulf News
    • 18 October 2009

    Cambodia will be the fourth country after Sudan, Egypt and Pakistan to receive UAE investments intended to achieve a food security plan drawn up by the government. Large-scale planting on Cambodian land acquired through purchase or 99-year lease may be launched there next year.

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