China ups Argentine farmland purchases
- Dow Jones
- 17 June 2011
Last week, China's largest farming company, Heilongjiang Beidahuang Nongken Group, inked a joint venture with Argentina's Cresud SA to buy land and farm soybeans.
Last week, China's largest farming company, Heilongjiang Beidahuang Nongken Group, inked a joint venture with Argentina's Cresud SA to buy land and farm soybeans.
Finding suitable farmland investment vehicles is not as easy as one might think.
Millones de hectáreas de territorio argentino siguen siendo apropiados por el proceso de extranjerización de tierras, amparado en una legislación que mantiene el espíritu de los 90, una de las más débiles del mundo en cuanto a protección de los recursos naturales.
With the surge of corporate farms in Argentina and Brazil over the past two to three years, I thought it would be useful to compile a list of the biggest groups with a short description of each.
BrazilAgro owns close to 200,000 hectares of farmland in Brazil, said Elsztain. Cresud Sacifya, the biggest farmland owner in Argentina, holds 22.89 percent of BrasilAgro and operates the company.
Buenos Aires-based Cresud plans to acquire more land to add to the 484,000 hectares (1.2 million acres) it owns and the 90,410 hectares it leases in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia
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