US universities in Africa 'land grab'
    Institutions including Harvard and Vanderbilt reportedly use hedge funds to buy land in deals that may force farmers out.
    • Guardian
    • 09 June 2011
    Hedge funds 'grabbing land' in Africa
    Hedge funds are behind "land grabs" in Africa to boost their profits in the food and biofuel sectors, a US think-tank says
    • BBC
    • 08 June 2011
    South Africa's white farmers are moving further north
    Other countries believe their agricultural expertise can kickstart an agrarian revolution across the African continent
    • Guardian
    • 01 May 2011
    World Bank conference on Land and Poverty 2011
    Video of the Panel: Can Funds and Financial Institutions promote good land-based investment practice? Featuring represetatives of Rabobank, Emergent Asset Management, TIAA-CREF and Galtere Ltd).
    • World Bank
    • 18 April 2011
    Landnahme in Äthiopien
    Das Klima ist ideal, Arbeitskräfte sind billig und die lukrativsten Märkte sind nur wenige Flugstunden entfernt. In Äthiopien züchten Investoren tonnenweise Gemüse und Reis. Jedoch nicht für die Bevölkerung.
    • Der Tagesspiegel
    • 03 April 2011
    Harvesting returns: investing in agriculture
    David Murrin, CIO at Emergent Asset Management, stresses the difficulties of jumping aboard the African growth story. "It is very hard to take advantage of the tremendous growth in African agriculture and that's why private equity investment is so important, it helps capture some of that growth," he says.
    • Wall Street Journal
    • 14 Mar 2011
    Invest in food - and the horsemen of the Apocalypse
    A pioneer investor in farmland and the food price rally is looking ahead to new trends -- war, epidemics and climate change as the investment opportunities of the future.
    • Reuters
    • 07 January 2011
    L'envolée actuelle des prix alimentaires présente des risques
    Les risques les plus élevés d'expropriation de terres agricoles demeurent en Amérique latine, mais l'impact le plus fort des tensions actuelles pourrait se faire sentir sur les accords de terres conclus ou projetés en Afrique.
    • Reuters
    • 06 January 2011
    Rising food prices bring host of political risks
    Food prices are soaring again and the highest risks of farmland expropriation remain in Latin America, while the greatest impact of the recent rally could be on land deals in Africa.
    • Reuters
    • 06 January 2011
    Private sector interest grows in African farming
    Mounting concern over security of food supplies is spurring a wave of private-sector investment in Africa.
    • WSJ
    • 28 October 2010
    African agricultural finance under the spotlight
    African governments need to raise their level of accountability and ensure that they improve and protect their own food security through quid pro quo side-agreements negotiated when they lease or sell their arable land to foreign interests, says Keith Mullin of Thompson Reuters
    • Reuters
    • 24 August 2010
    Pension funds – future farmers
    Report on the growing popularity of farmland investment in the developing world for European pension funds
    • IPE Magazine
    • 01 July 2010

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