• Hassad plans overseas investments
    • Gulf Times
    • 15 October 2011

    Hassad Food Company is keen to secure food supplies for Qatar at reasonable prices through local and international investments in various countries, according to an article in the Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry memorial book ‘40 Years of Excellence and Achievement.’

  • Hassad denizötesi yatırım planlıyor
    • Gulf Times
    • 15 October 2011

    Katar Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası’nın “Mükemmeliyet ve Başarının 40 Yılı” adlı hatıra kitabında yayımlanan bir makalede Hassad Gıda Şirketi yerel ve uluslararası yatırımlarla Katar’a makul fiyatlarla gıda sağlamakta hevesli olduğu belirtiliyor.

  • Farmers demand owners' register
    • The Age
    • 04 August 2011

    Farmers have urged the state government to establish a register that would list Victorian farms that have been bought by foreign owners. The call comes as concerns grow over the level of foreign ownership of Australian farms and over the control of productive food resources.

  • Nation feeds Gulf's appetite for ownership
    • SMH
    • 01 August 2011

    Hassad plans to spend $US350 million ($318 million) in Australia to secure food supplies for Qatar, which imports 95 per cent of its food.

  • Shut the gate: why cash-strapped landowners are selling the farm
    • SMH
    • 01 August 2011

    Australians do realise the value of what is being sold, a land agent and rural property specialist said, "but their hands are tied because they can't raise the money".

  • Qatar plans 70pc self-sufficiency in food by 2023
    • The Peninsula
    • 28 July 2011

    Under the National Food Security Program, Qatari companies would produce five basic food items -- white and red meat, rice, sugar and grains (including wheat) -- in countries like Sudan, India, Australia, Argentina, Turkey and Brazil, among others.

  • Qatar land grab angers bush
    • The Age
    • 19 June 2011

    Local stock and station agents in Western District Australia estimate the Qatar government paid a premium of up to 20 per cent in order to secure the controversial deal,

  • Hassad Foods set to expand its Australian farmland holdings
    • Property Observer
    • 16 June 2011

    The Middle Eastern company Hassad Foods, through Australian representatives, has been pinpointed as set to spend $45 million on five large western Victorian propertie

  • Foreign ownership of Aussie land: the peril of selling the farm
    • Crikey
    • 16 June 2011

    Government-backed companies, as Hassad Food, have begun buying up farmland around the world, with Australia’s vast tracts of top quality primary production land a prime target.

  • Hassad to invest in staple food production
    • The Peninsula
    • 04 May 2011

    Qatar will make more investments overseas to produce key agricultural and horticultural commodities to ensure food supply security at home and will simultaneously focus on raising self-sufficiency in local produce.

  • Foreign investors run fingers through Ukraine's black earth
    • bne
    • 15 April 2011

    Chinese and other eastern investors are looking to buy agriculture land and agribusiness across the globe, and Ukraine is increasingly on their radar.

  • GCC trade and investment flows: The emerging-market surge
    • EIU
    • 22 Mar 2011

    Report says that GCC investment in farmland in Africa and Latin America will continue to grow.

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