The victims were targeted by a criminal gang who wanted to use their lands to grow lucrative palm oil, according to local indigenous leaders
- Guardian
06 September 2017
Declaraciones en el marco de la presentación del libro: Acaparamiento de Tierras en la Amazonía Peruana, del autor Juan Luis Dammert Bello, por el caso Tamshiyacu.|
- Diario La Región
10 August 2017
El conflicto por la tierra en Tamshiyacu, generado por la empresa United Cacao, a través de su filial Cacao del Norte Perú SAC, preocupa a los habitantes en la capital del distrito de Fernando Lores.
- Diario La Región
07 August 2017
San Miguel has announced it is set to acquire major Peruvian mandarin producer Agrícola Hoja Redonda for US$64 million, including its two farms covering 1,700 ha.
- Fruit Portal
20 July 2017
Report gives an overview of the availability of information for land concessions in Brazil, Canada, Cambodia, Colombia, Indonesia, Liberia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Republic of the Congo, and Russia.
In its letter to the RSPO, Plantaciones de Pucallpa claims to have divested all its palm oil estates, land, related activities and equipment and PdP has no involvement in the Palm oil industry.
The head of Peru’s National Forest and Wildlife Service has revealed that deforestation by two illegal cocoa and oil palm plantations in the Peruvian Amazon has caused US$111 million of damage.
Expansion of palm oil producers into Latin America, the "new frontier for global expansion" is snagging on confusion over land rights – which is encouraging some groups to expand into rainforest.
- Agrimoney
26 September 2016
The initiative is intended to cover 40,000 hectares of land and would be located in the Arequipa region
The company defends its Peruvian plantations amid uproar over alleged environmental and social impacts.
Entre el 25 de abril y el 4 de mayo delegados de Indonesia, Perú, Colombia y Liberia, entre otros países exigieron en Londres que la Unión Europea ponga fin a las violaciones de derechos humanos y al acaparamiento de tierras vinculados a las empresas de palma de aceite, que en su mayoría consume la UE.
- Contagio Radio
06 May 2016
Indigenous and civil society leaders from Indonesia, Peru, Colombia and Liberia gathered in London Wednesday to urge a boycott of firms that commit human rights violations and land seizures to cultivate palm oil.
- Business Times
04 May 2016