The company has reached a deal to buy both AvoAmerica Peru and Bomarea from U.S.-based Solum Partners and Alpine Fresh, it said on Saturday, following its January acquisition of Verfrut, which produces fruits in Chile and Peru.
New report by EIA shows cacao and palm oil companies have systematically contributed to clearing at least 13,000 hectares between 2012 and 2021 in Peru’s most forest-rich regions of Loreto and Ucayali.
- Mongabay
13 February 2024
Unifrutti Group in Abu Dhabi has bought Verfrut, a “prominent fresh produce player with a presence in Chile and Peru, where it operates over 7,500 hectares of fully integrated farming and processing facilities”
Los mercados inmobiliarios rurales consideran la tierra en parte mercancía y en parte activo de capital. El avance de la economía convencional hacia los bosques lleva la tierra a encarecerse con el tiempo.
Los menonitas, una secta religiosa protestante que se originó en Suiza en el siglo XVI y pregona el apego a la tierra y la actividad agrícola, poseen cinco colonias en Perú con la complacencia o indiferencia de las autoridades.
- Ecoticias
25 October 2023
En su primer caso abordando a un gran comercializador de aceite de palma, el Punto Nacional de Contacto de las Directrices para Empresas Multinacionales de la OCDE ha ofrecido sus buenos oficios en el caso presentado por Lideres y Lideresas Indígenas peruanos contra Louis Dreyfus Company B.V.
- Forest Peoples Programme
04 September 2023
In its first case to address a major palm oil commodity trader, the Dutch National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises offered its good offices in the complaint filed by Peruvian Indigenous Leaders against Louis Dreyfus Company B.V.
- Forest Peoples Programme
04 September 2023
The fruit export company received $130m from Canadian private-equity firm Cordiant Capital to grow its production land area to 1,200ha of avocados and 900ha of table grapes.
Las organizaciones firmantes rechazan un tuit de la embajadora de los Estados Unidos en el Perú, mediante el cual hace propaganda a favor del polémico Grupo Palmicultor Ocho Sur
IDB Invest provided Agrovision, a US-based vertically-integrated producer and exporter of superfruits, a revolving credit line of up to $20 million to cover its blueberry production cycle in Latin America and the Caribbean, and support its growth in Peru and Mexico.
Between 2017 and 2021, Mennonite colonies deforested about 4,000 hectares (10,000 acres) of Peruvian forests and encroached into the Native land of the Indigenous communities of Buenos Aires and Caimito.
- Mongabay
08 December 2022
Peruvian and international organisations filed a complaint to the OECD against Louis Dreyfus for its sourcing of palm oil from the Ucayali region in the Peruvian Amazon.
- Forest Peoples Programme
07 December 2022