Unless these organizations are firmly held accountable to international human rights standards, they will not only fail to push their industries towards more responsible behavior, but they will become little more than window dressing for corporate misconduct.
Nestle response to the Cambodian farmers lawsuit against sugar producer, Mitr Pohl over alleged land grabbing. The Thai company, Mitr Pohl is direct supplier to Nestlé and tier 2 supplier in other supply chains, mostly via traders.
- Business and human rights resources centre
31 July 2018
For the first time, plaintiffs from Cambodia have filed a class-action lawsuit against a Thai company after they were forcibly removed from their homes to make way for a sugarcane plantation
Displaced farmers from Cambodia have filed a landmark class-action lawsuit against the Thai sugar giant Mitr Phol.
Farmers from Cambodia have filed a lawsuit in a Thai civil court against Asia’s largest sugar producer, accusing it of rights abuses after it allegedly kicked farmers off their land.
Around 2006, Mitr Phol Sugar Corporation., Ltd. One of major sugarcane and sugar companies in Thailand began to expand their production base to neighboring countries. This infograhpic solely looks at the case of sugarcane plantation investment in Oddar Meanchey, Cambodia.
- The Mekong Butterfly
21 September 2017
International Federation for Human Rights says Southeast Asia is facing increasing conflicts and violence over land grab activity. A “land grab” relates to taking land quickly, forcefully and often illegally.
In Cambodia, more than 15,000 people have been forcibly evicted to make way for sugar cane plantations.
A Thai environmental auditing firm has confirmed that it is assessing the fallout from a trio of plantations in Oddar Meanchey province that Thai sugar giant Mitr Phol abandoned in late 2014 amid mounting accusations of land grabbing.
- Cambodia Daily
12 February 2016
Three local NGOs have filed a complaint with international sugar industry group Bonsucro for readmitting Thai sugar giant Mitr Phol even though thousands of families forced off the company’s former plantations in Oddar Meanchey province have yet to be fully compensated.
- The Cambodia Daily
09 February 2016
Mitr Phol Group, Asia's biggest sugar producer, has earmarked 3.5 billion baht to double production in Laos, fed by a plantation area in the southern province of Savannakhet.
More than 2,000 families have been affected and at least 3,000 hectares misappropriated for logging by three sugar plantations in the north Cambodian province of Oddar Meanchey, according to a report released Monday
- Anadolu Agency
11 May 2015