The High Court of Sierra Leone adjourned the contempt of court hearing against the rights campaigner group, Green Scenery for the second time, after a heated debate between the rival counsels.
- Politico SL
22 November 2019
The High Court of Sierra Leone on Thursday adjourned a contempt of court hearing against the rights campaign group, Green Scenery, after the plaintiff, the multinational agribusiness firm SOCFIN failed to turn up in court.
- Politico SL
13 November 2019
The payment forms part of the annual payments under the agreement between the lessee and the government of Sierra Leone
- Sierra Express Media
06 November 2019
Le président de la Sierra Leone, Julius Maada Bio, a rencontré le sultan Alshamsi, président d’Elite Agro, qui souhaite investir dans le pays en raison de ses terres fertiles et des condition climatiques favorables afin de produire tant pour le marché local qu'à l'export.
- CommodAfrica
30 October 2019
Emirati firm Elite Agro are interested in investing in Sierra Leone to help the West African nation grow its own food to feed its people with enough to export
- Pan African Visions
29 October 2019
The Dutch development bank FMO says its investments promote oil palm plantations in local communities. But the local communities are not welcoming these plantations. They want their land back.
Un traité contraignant visant à garantir le respect des droit humains par les firmes transnationales est urgent vu l'ampleur des violations commises par des sociétés comme la SOCFIN en Sierra Leone
The mandate of the committee was to enquire into and come out with recommendations that would resolve the conflict between the landowners, the Chiefdom council and the SOCFIN Agricultural Company in Sierra Leone.
- Government of Sierra Leone
30 September 2019
Joseph Rahall, la tête de Green Scenery, organisation de défense de l'environnement et des droits de l'homme, sillonne régulièrement les vingt-quatre villages de la région de Malen pour rappeler aux paysans leurs droits à la terre.
- CNCD-11.11.11
05 August 2019
Finnfund and the DFI-backed African Agricultural Fund assume majority control of the Sierre Leone oil palm plantations and concessions of Goldtree Holdings and Natural Habitats.
- Michel Mores
08 July 2019
Sunbird Bioenergy, after the recent change of management, is set to produce sugar for the local market in Sierra Leone and for export to neighboring countries
- Global Times
18 June 2019
Ce rapport vise à mettre en lumière les nombreux problèmes rencontrés par les communautés riveraines des plantations du groupe Socfin dans 5 pays, en faisant le parallèle avec les engagements pris par le groupe