A lot has been said to Sierra Leoneans about the Addax project, but almost nothing has been heard about the high price that Sierra Leone will have to pay.
- Sierra Express Media
03 Mar 2010
Olivier de Schutter, rapporteur spécial des Nations unies sur le droit à l’alimentation, commente le phénomène du rachat de terres agricoles dans les pays du Sud et le projet Addax Bioenergy en Sierra Leone
- Le Temps
25 February 2010
«Ces plantations ne servent pas à remplir les estomacs des Sierra-Léonais, mais à exporter vers l’Europe. Elles ne sont d’aucun bénéfice pour notre pays,» dit Theophilus Gbenda
- Le Temps
24 February 2010
In the last four years, an area the size of Germany has been bought or rented to produce food and fuel in Africa. But not by Africans, nor for Africans, say critics.
Includes a copy of the land lease agreement and a legal and human rights audit of the land lease agreement.
Agribusiness sees a global market for arable land, but the developing world might be selling off its future food security. CBC Radio programme, focusing on Sierra Leone.
L’achat massif de ces terres aux seules fins de spéculation financière porte en lui le germe du conflit, du désastre environnemental, du chaos politique et de la faim à un degré jamais connu dans le passé, écrit Joan Baxter.
- Le Monde Diplomatique
08 January 2010
Sierra Leone signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Saudi Arabia for Saudi investment in the production of rice for home consumption and export.
- Sierra Express Media
08 December 2009
Land owners at Koya Chiefdom together with chiefdom elders and officials of Quifel have signed a 50 years land lease agreement for agricultural purposes.
- Awoko Newspaper
16 September 2009
Carl Atkin, Head of Research at Bidwells Agribusiness looks at the recent interest in 'strategic food security' and the associated 'land grab' by Middle Eastern Corporations and Governments in countries as diverse of Sudan, Senegal and Sierra Leone.
- International Supermarket News
25 June 2009