Karuturi flower farm workers go on strike
- 08 August 2013
Business came to a halt at the expansive Karuturi flower farm in Naivasha, Kenya, after its over 3,000 workers downed tools demanding their July salaries.
Business came to a halt at the expansive Karuturi flower farm in Naivasha, Kenya, after its over 3,000 workers downed tools demanding their July salaries.
Operations at Karuturi flower farm in Naivasha, Kenya, have been paralyzed due to a financial crisis.
Slideshow about controversies around Karuturi's flower farm operations in Ethiopia
The slow progress of Karuturi Global and similar projects has prompted the Ethiopian government to reassess its policy of leasing vast tracts of land to single investors.
El empresario indio Ramakrishna Karuturi, que vende 555 millones de tallos al año, es señalado como uno de los grandes acaparadores de tierras de África.
The Hindu's Addis Ababa correspondent Aman Sethi has recently written about Indian companies’ involvement in Ethiopia and Mali, and on 19 May he took part in a Q&A session on Facebook on the issue of so-called Indian land grabs in African countries.
Karuturi Global faces accusations of causing floods to local villages, not paying taxes, contributing to human rights violations and providing dismal working conditions at its farming operations in Gambela, Ethiopia.
Africa is white hot with minerals and land deals in what could be the second scramble for Africa.
Actualmente una de cada nueve rosas llegan de una única multinacional de la flor cortada, la hindú Karuturi Global Ltd, que en sus viveros de Etiopía y Kenya produce 580 millones de flores anualmente.
Karuturi Global Limited, société holding de droit indien et dont le siège est situé à Bangalore, peut se retrouver sous la loupe de l'administration fiscale du Kenya pour fraude fiscale, mais les plaintes déposées contre elle vont plus loin.
Le gouvernement kenyan a déclaré Karuturi coupable de fraude fiscale. C'est la première fois qu'un gouvernement africain traduit une importante société multinationale en justice pour une manipulation des prix de transfert par le biais d'une procédure entièrement publique.
El gobierno de Kenya halló culpable de evasión fiscal a Karuturi Global Ltd, el productor de rosas cortadas más grande del mundo. Ésta es la primera vez que un gobierno africano lleva a los tribunales —mediante un proceso público— a una enorme compañía multinacional por manipular sus precios de transferencia.
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