• Indigenous Papuan women and the struggle for land
    • New Mandala
    • 05 October 2021

    There is a common and well-known philosophy throughout Papua, which represents the strong bond between women and nature; “Land is Mama”. We might suspect that it sounds like a romantic attachment of the stereotype of domestic work to one gender. However, it is reflected in what these Indigenous women, who fight for their land are doing.

  • Audio: Dr Sophie Chao - Papua, food and racism
    • Talking Indonesia
    • 30 September 2021

    Despite the fact that Indonesia’s deforestation rate reached a historic low in 2020, the social, cultural, and ecological wellbeing of people whose livelihoods depend on forests has continued to suffer greatly. The indigenous Marind people in Papua, for example, have seen 1.2 million hectares of their lands and forests targeted for oil palm and timber plantations as part of the Merauke Integrated Food and Energy Estate. This has led not only to food and water insecurity but also fundamental shifts in the food and eating habits of the Marind people. Why is this happening?

  • Dreams, dollars and destruction of a rainforest
    • Newsroom
    • 23 September 2021

    An Auckland property developer is involved in a company linked to carrying out deforestation in Indonesia, where virgin rainforest is being bulldozed to grow palm oil plantations.

  • A dangerous place for women. stories of Indigenous Women working in oil palm plantations in Papua
    • WRM
    • 23 September 2021

    Oil palm plantations are one of the most unsafe spaces for women, not only because of their vulnerable working status –mostly as casual workers – but also because of the potential for sexual violence that lurks them in and around the plantation fields.

  • Perusahaan melanggar UU larangan praktik monopoli
    • Yayasan Pusaka
    • 21 September 2021

    Perusahaan kelapa sawit PT Sorong Agro Sawitindo dan PT Papua Lestari Abadi menggugat Bupati Sorong di PTUN Jayapura yang telah mengeluarkan rekomendasi pencabutan izin perusahaan perkebunan tersebut atas dasar melanggar UU Larangan Praktek Monopoli.

  • Panen melimpah, pemerintah bakal tambah 2000 hektare lahan di food estate Humbahas Sumut
    • IDX Channel
    • 01 September 2021

    Sekitar 2.000 hektare lahan tanam akan ditambah di Food Estate (FE) di Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan (Humbahas), Sumatera Utara.

  • Calls mount for Indonesian ban on new palm oil plantations to be extended
    • Mongabay
    • 25 August 2021

    Calls are mounting from within the government and civil society for Indonesia’s ban on new oil palm plantations, in force since 2018 and set to expire this September, to be extended.

  • UAE keen to invest in Indonesia's sugar industry: ministry
    • Antara
    • 02 August 2021

    The United Arab Emirates has expressed interest in investing in Indonesia's farming sector, specifically sugarcane plantations, says the secretary general of the Agriculture Ministry.

  • Korindo: Korean palm oil giant stripped of sustainability status
    • BBC
    • 15 July 2021

    Korean palm oil giant, Korindo has been rejected from the world's green certification body in the wake of a BBC investigation. Korindo controls more land in Papua than any other conglomerate. The company has cleared nearly 60,000 hectares of forests inside its concessions - an area the size of Chicago or Seoul.

  • Food estate di Papua: Perampasan ruang berkedok ketahanan pangan?
    • Walhi
    • 28 June 2021

    Perjuangan panjang dan suara lantang Orang Asli Papua untuk merebut daulat atas tanah, air, udara dan hak dasar lainnya kembali menemui tantangan yang bernama kebijakan pembangunan food estate. Arahan lokasi food estate di Papua seluas ± 2.684.680,68 hektar. Lebih dari dua juta hektar berada di kawasan hutan.

  • En Indonésie, l’huile de palme contre le climat et les droits humains
    • Reporterre
    • 12 June 2021

    L’huile de palme nuit gravement aux droits humains, selon un rapport de Human Rights Watch (HRW), publié jeudi 3 juin.

  • Indonesia: Expanding palm oil operations bring harm
    • Human Rights Watch
    • 03 June 2021

    The Indonesian government is failing to protect the rights of communities living on or near peatland converted to commercial agriculture. It is also permitting the widescale destruction of one of the world’s most important carbon sinks, Human Rights Watch said.

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