• Ruée mondiale vers les terres cultivables
    • Afrik.com
    • 09 December 2008

    Le cas malgache n’est pas isolé. Une véritable ruée vers les terres agricoles est engagée à l’échelle mondiale.

  • Binladin Group may invest $4.3 b on rice in Papua
    • The Jakarta Post
    • 08 December 2008

    Saudi-based investment firm Binladin Group is mulling at investing on agriculture projects here worth an estimated US$4.3 billion, which will be spent within the course of 15 years, says an official.

  • Farmers' self reliance the only means to develop sustainable food security
    • Antara
    • 08 December 2008

    Deputy for agriculture and fisheries to the coordinating minister for economic affairs Bayu Krisnamurthi earlier said that the government had given a priority to a regulation pertaining to the development of food estates to support Indonesia`s food security. According to him, the economic affairs coordinating ministry was drafting a regulation, 90 percent of which had been completed.

  • Foreign countries scramble for agricultural land in quest for food
    • The Phnom Penh Post
    • 27 November 2008

    The food crisis this year generated unprecedented interest in Cambodian agricultural land, and governments are scrambling for access to the country's vast food-growing potential.

  • Welcome fades for wealthy nations
    • Financial Times
    • 20 November 2008

    The initial welcome given to rich countries’ investment in African farmland by agricultural and development officials has faded as the first ventures prove to be heavily weighted in favour of the investors. The FAO warned of such a trend when it said this year that the race to secure farmland overseas risked creating a “neo-colonial” system.

  • Saudi's Binladin Group to complete agricultural investment study soon
    • Jakarta Post
    • 19 November 2008

    The Saudi Arabia-based Binladin Group is expected to wrap up a feasibility study by the end of this year on investment in a massive food business program that will be located primarily in the eastern part of Indonesia, a senior official says.

  • South Korea's Daewoo to grow corn in Madagascar
    • Reuters
    • 18 November 2008

    South Korea's Daewoo Logistics will plant corn in Madagascar, a company official said on Tuesday, with a long-term aim to replace more than half the corn it currently imports from mostly the United States.

  • Bin Ladin Group to Invest in Food Production in West Java
    • Tempo
    • 08 October 2008

    West Java governor Ahmad Heryawan said his province will become one of the many regions targeted by the Binladin Group for investment in food production.

  • Global Scramble to Own Food and Agricultural Assets
    • TriState Observer
    • 05 September 2008

    On the heels of tight crop production reports and the recent memory of individual nations experiencing food disruptions, there is a scramble to control or own agricultural assets and food stocks.

  • Qatar, Vietnam set up US$1b fund, eye agriculture, paper
    • Intellasia / Reuters
    • 04 September 2008

    8Natural gas exporter Qatar and Vietnam have set up a US$1 billion fund to invest in sectors including agriculture. Sovereign wealth fund Qatar Investment Authority will provide 90% of the fund's equity, Gulf Times reported, citing Phung The Long, Vietnam's Ambassador to Doha. "We have exchange ideas about setting up an animal farm for breeding cattle and lambs," The Long said.

  • Bin Laden Group to invest Rp14 trillion in Sulawesi
    • Antara
    • 18 August 2008

    A foodstuff consortium from Middle-East countries planning to investment some Rp14 trillion through Bin Laden Group in South-East Sulawesi province, a senior adviser said here on Monday.

  • Bin Laden Group to invest Rp14 trillion in Sulawesi
    • Antara
    • 18 August 2008

    A foodstuff consortium from Middle-East countries planning to investment some Rp14 trillion through Bin Laden Group in South-East Sulawesi province, a senior adviser said here on Monday.

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