Het totale areaal landbouwgrond dat van oorsprong Nederlandse land- en tuinbouwbedrijven in de afgelopen decennia in gebruik hebben genomen in het buitenland is ongeveer 500.000 hectare, dat is ongeveer gelijk aan 25% van het totale landbouwareaal in Nederland.
- AgriHolland B.V.
03 February 2012
Summary report of the conference hosted June 17, 2011 in Geneva, Switzerland
Video of the Panel: Can Funds and Financial Institutions promote good land-based investment practice? Featuring represetatives of Rabobank, Emergent Asset Management, TIAA-CREF and Galtere Ltd).
Private equity firms like Rabo Equity Advisors and IL&FS Investment Managers may be in talks with Karuturi.
As financiers seek to diversify their fee bases, investment banks are scenting an opportunity in Gulf states’ eagerness to secure long-term food supplies in the form of agricultural investment deals.
- Financial Times
17 August 2009
Gulf states buying farmland in developing nations for food security face the risk of damaging their reputation as international investors as the deals are seen as land grabs, a Rothschild executive said yesterday.
Rothschild has recently formed a co-operation agreement with Rabobank, a leading global food and agricultural bank. The agreement covers co-operation for mergers and acquisitions and the equity capital market across a number of sectors including farm inputs and equipment, farm-based commodities, primary food processing, food processing and beverages.
- The National
15 July 2009
Rabobank announces that more than 90 investment funds have emerged that are investing directly in overseas farmland.
Despite criticism for Chinese efforts to acquire large-scale farmland in Africa, China is seen continuing to aggressively pursue acquisitions in other countries. says Michael Whitehead, executive director of the food and agribusiness research and advisory unit at Rabobank International.
Aimed at public and private market investors, this conference will explore opportunities for global investments in agricultural lands, commodities and infrastructure in North and South America, Australia, China, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
More than 20 million hectares of farmland in Africa and Latin America are now in the hands of foreign governments and companies, a sign of a global "land grab" that got a boost from last year's food crisis.
- Inter Press Service
05 May 2009
Más de 20 millones de hectáreas de tierras en el mundo en desarrollo están en manos de gobiernos y empresas extranjeras, ejemplo de una apropiación agraria que se disparó con la crisis alimentaria del año pasado.