Raid indien sur des terres camerounaises
- Africa Intelligence
- 28 May 2009
Quel est le groupe indien qui négocie la location de 15 000 ha de terres au Cameroun dans la région d'Ombe (sud-ouest) pour un investissement de 168 milliards F CFA ?
Quel est le groupe indien qui négocie la location de 15 000 ha de terres au Cameroun dans la région d'Ombe (sud-ouest) pour un investissement de 168 milliards F CFA ?
After years of competing for overseas oil and mines, India and China are silently scouring the world for their next great need: farmland to grow food.
Madagascar has “definitely abandoned” a $6 billion farming agreement with Daewoo Logistics Corp., though may welcome agriculture investment in the future, Minister of Land Reform Hajo Andrianainarivelo said.
Contract farming deal between the Indian corporation Varun Agriculture and 13 association in Sofia, Madagascar (January 2009)
Refuged under a shelter as a downpour drenched the village square of Ambalavy in northwest Madagascar, André Rabenampiana says he knows the wood "varona" but has never heard of the Indian company Varun International.
Réfugié sous un abri alors que des trombes d'eau s'abattent sur la place du village d'Ambalavy, dans le nord-ouest de Madagascar, André Rabenampiana connaît bien le bois "varona", mais n'a jamais entendu parler de la société indienne "Varun".
A conference for fund managers tied to agriculture held annually in Sydney by Austock, an Australian broker, attracted a few dozen contrarian souls three years ago. This year’s event, which began on March 16th, had to be restricted to several hundred ticket-holders, with many others turned away.
Wealthy countries short of fertile land are gazing hungrily at Canada's prairies
In the largest single agricultural investment, Ethiopia’s richest man Sheik Mohammed Hussein Ali Al-Amoudi, joined the bio-fuel sector in a joint venture with Jemal Ahmed, one of the biggest edible and palm oil importers in the country.
La empresa India RCPL Food Processing Pvt. Ltda. desea invertir en la agroindustria de Paraguay, que a mediano y largo plazo puede llegar a US$ 500 millones, informó ayer su director, Dr. Satyendra Yaadav.
"Since 2005, the Burmese Government has encouraged investors from China, Thailand, Bangladesh, and Kuwait to invest in contract farms," reports the US mission in Rangoon
Des pays en quête de ressources alimentaires et des groupes financiers séduits par les perspectives du marché mondial de l'agriculture acquièrent en masse des terres arables dans des pays le plus souvent pauvres ou émergents, un phénomène qui inquiète des ONG.
Los grupos de interés que ocupan la Panamazonía | LIBRO