• Asian companies seek greener pastures in Russian Far East
    • Asahi Shimbun
    • 20 February 2012

    Since food prices jumped in the period from 2006 to 2008, efforts to borrow land in the Russian Far East for agriculture have spread rapidly.

  • Korea strives for agricultural security
    • Korea Herald
    • 24 Mar 2011

    The government and companies are joining hands to expand the country’s overseas farming bases, establish a direct import channel and modernize agricultural production and distribution.

  • Hyundai Co. aims to purchase 10,000 ha farmland in Brazil
    • MBN
    • 10 May 2010

    South Korea's Hyundai Corporation is trying to purchase 10,000 ha of farmland in Brazil to grow soybeans for the Korean market

  • Hyundai wants to buy land in Brazil
    • Folha de São Paulo
    • 09 May 2010

    Executives from the South Korean company Hyundai are negotiating with state governments for the purchase of land in Brazil, with the objective of planting and exporting soya to South Korea.

  • Hyundai busca tierras para cultivar soja en Brasil
    • ANSA
    • 09 May 2010

    La empresa automotriz surcoreana Hyundai anunció su intención de comprar diez mil hectáreas de tierras cultivables en Brasil para exportar soja (soya) hacia Corea del Sur

  • Empresa sul-coreana Hyundai quer comprar terras no Brasil
    • Folha de São Paulo
    • 09 May 2010

    Executivos da empresa sul-coreana Hyundai negociam com governos estaduais a compra de terra no Brasil com o objetivo de plantar e exportar soja para a Coreia do Sul. 

  • Hyundai Heavy reaps corns, soybeans at its Russian farmland
    • Yonhap
    • 15 April 2010

    Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., the world's largest shipbuilder, said Thursday that it has harvested 4,500 tons of soybeans and 2,000 tons of corn at its Russian farm.

  • Black earth stirs investors in Russia
    • AFP
    • 12 October 2009

    Swedish company Black Earth Farming (BEF) since 2006 has bought 300,000 hectares (740,000 acres) of Russian farmland after the government finally allowed land to be privatised after decades of state ownership.

  • Les terres russes, nouvel eldorado pour les investisseurs étrangers
    • AFP
    • 23 September 2009

    En plein coeur des Terres noires russes, une moissonneuse-batteuse dernier cri émerge d'un champ de tournesols grillés par le soleil, sous l'oeil satisfait d'Alexandre Averianov, employé de la holding suédoise Black Earth Farming (BEF).

  • Food importers may increase overseas farm purchases
    • Bloomberg
    • 23 April 2009

    Food-importing nations from South Korea to Saudi Arabia may step up purchases or leases of overseas farmland to lock in supplies amid concern prices may again surge. “We’re going to see more of this, especially from countries that are quite dependent on imports,” Brady Sidwell, head of advisory at Rabobank Groep NV’s Northeast Asia Food & Agribusiness Research and Advisory Group, said in a Bloomberg Television interview broadcast today.

  • HyundaiHeavy’s land deal smells of politics
    • Korea Times
    • 16 April 2009

    Hyundai Heavy Industries -- the world's biggest shipyard -- has bought a big tract of Russian farmland in one of the latest diversification moves by Korean firms. But here's a question: Have performance- and profit-obsessed Hyundai Vice Chairman Min Gye-sik and its CEO Choi Kil-seon voluntarily decided on the move or has the company's biggest stakeholder pushed for the plan?

  • Hyundai Heavy secures farms in Russia
    • Bloomberg
    • 15 April 2009

    Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., the world’s largest shipbuilder, bought 67.6 percent of a Russian farm to grow corn and soybeans, heeding a call by the Korean government to help ensure food security. The shipbuilder purchased the stake from a group of New Zealand investors for $6.5 million and plans to produce 60,000 metric tons of corn and soybeans in 2014.

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