Iran to build agro-industry complex in Sudan
- Tehran Times
- 11 October 2010
A plot of land has been chosen for Iran to establish an agro-industry complex to produce wheat and sugar in Sudan
A plot of land has been chosen for Iran to establish an agro-industry complex to produce wheat and sugar in Sudan
A group of Iranian businessmen is planning to invest up to $40 million in the construction of a livestock breeding complex and a feed plant in Russia's Chelyabinsk region by 2013
Brasil rechazó una propuesta de Irán para comprar o arrendar áreas agrícolas brasileñas para la producción de alimentos y la venta directa al país islámico
O Brasil recusou uma proposta feita pelo Irã de compra ou arrendamento de áreas agrícolas brasileiras, com vistas à produção de alimentos e sua venda direta ao país islâmico
O embaixador do Irã no Brasil, Mohsen Shaterzadeh, confirmou hoje que seu país está interessado em impulsionar investimentos de empresas iranianas no setor agrícola brasileiro. Em entrevista coletiva, em Brasília, ele disse que essa é uma das 15 áreas de cooperação que o presidente iraniano, Mahmud Ahmadinejad, pretende estimular a partir de sua visita oficial ao Brasil, no próximo dia 23
"We have no choice but to continue leasing and buying land," said Abdullah Al Obaid, head of the strategy unit at the Ministry of Agriculture in Saudi Arabia.
Ghadimi said it was easier to control immigrant workers in the UAE than farm labourers in Iran, where unions were strong.
Gulf investors and sovereign wealth funds are pouring more cash into regional projects in renewable energy, farmland and infrastructure as focus turns to home, a PricewaterhouseCoopers partner said yesterday.
Cambodia's traditional sectors are foundering in the wake of the global financial crisis, but the Kingdom's farmlands could bring billions from Middle Eastern countries seeking food security.
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