40% of agricultural land in Romania belongs to foreign investors
- Romania Insider
- 11 September 2017
Foreigners hold 5.3 million hectares of farmland in Romania, as the total agricultural land amounts to 13.3 million hectares.
Foreigners hold 5.3 million hectares of farmland in Romania, as the total agricultural land amounts to 13.3 million hectares.
En vingt ans, la Roumanie est devenue l’eldorado des exploitants de France et d’ailleurs. Attirés par ses sols fertiles à bas prix, sa main-d’œuvre peu onéreuse et les aides de Bruxelles, ces pionniers y ont fondé des exploitations prospères.
Rumänien ist zu einem heißen Tipp für internationale Investoren geworden. Touristisch attraktive Lagen, aber vor allem Ackerland gelangen in die Hände von Kapitalanlegern - zulasten der Einheimischen.
US company focused on mergers and acquisitions and investments in natural resources announces definitive agreement to acquire 51% of Maxagro SRL, a Romanian farming company in Timis County, Romania
EU’s newest members say big Western European landowners and multinational supermarkets are wiping out their farmers and shopkeepers.
In Europe we tend to relegate the idea of land grabbing to the global South, yet it is happening much closer to home than we perhaps realize.
Maxagro and PHI Group will consider raising capital for Maxagro to acquire additional farmland by taking Maxagro public in the U.S. and European Stock Markets.
AP Pension, the Danish labour-market pensions provider, has hit out at media reports that its chief executive quit in December because of pressure from the supervisory board to invest in the agricultural sector.
La Roumanie voit ses terres accaparées par des investisseurs étrangers, souvent des fonds de pension. Dans cette usine rachetée par le groupe français Avril, on affirme "valoriser" le pays et ses agriculteurs.
Comment la PAC (politique agricole commune) favorise les investisseurs étrangers au détriment des agriculteurs roumains...
La Roumanie est confrontée à une véritable ruée sur ses terres de la part d’acheteurs étrangers. Explications.
Although the local agriculture sector remains attractive to investors, there are ongoing issues with the legislation, which hampers the acquisition of farmland and the sale of crops at the best prices, according to legal experts.
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