• En prévision de la crise alimentaire mondiale : Main basse sur les terres agricoles des pays pauvres
    • El Watan
    • 20 April 2009

    La flambée des cours des produits agricoles en 2007 et 2008 et la dépréciation des valeurs financières induite par la crise actuelle ont incité de gros investisseurs internationaux et même des Etats à se tourner vers l’acquisition, tous azimuts, de terres agricoles aujourd’hui considérées comme des actifs stratégiques.

  • No matter how bad things get, people still need to eat
    • The Economist
    • 18 Mar 2009

    A conference for fund managers tied to agriculture held annually in Sydney by Austock, an Australian broker, attracted a few dozen contrarian souls three years ago. This year’s event, which began on March 16th, had to be restricted to several hundred ticket-holders, with many others turned away.

  • Food: The big land sell-off
    • African Business
    • 07 February 2009

    With vast tracts of land being sold in Madagascar, and Sudan and other African governments actively seeking investors in agricultural land, are we witnessing a neo-colonial land grab or will the investment result in greater food productivity to the long-term benefit of recipient nations?

  • Al Qudra buys land for crops
    • AME info
    • 27 August 2008

    Qudra Holding plans to buy about 400,000 hectares of land in the Middle East, Africa and the Far East by the first quarter of 2009 to boost its agriculture operations, reported The National.

  • Al Qudra to buy 400,000 hectares of farmland
    • The National
    • 26 August 2008

    Al Qudra Holding, the Abu Dhabi-based investment company, plans to acquire roughly 400,000 hectares of land in the Middle East, East Africa and Far East by the end of the first quarter of next year in a major expansion of its agricultural operations.

  • Al Qudra : Le holding concrétise doucement ses projets au Maroc
    • Le Matin
    • 27 February 2008

    Al Qudra cible 14.000 hectares dans l'huile d'olive et a participé aux appels d'offres lancés par les pouvoirs publics marocains relatifs aux terrains des Sodea-Sogeta. D'autres terrains sont en cours d'analyse pour démarrer les travaux de plantation, a déclaré le management.

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