• Global standards for “land grabs”
    • OECD
    • 09 July 2009

    IFAD is supporting a pilot initiative to promote properly structured ("win-win") agricultural land deals in Ghana.

  • La ruée vers les terres agricoles africaines
    • Les Afriques
    • 20 June 2009

    La ruée des investisseurs étrangers vers les terres arables est une tendance lourde du continent africain

  • L’accaparement des terres africaines : « opportunité de développement » ou néocolonialisme foncier ?
    • Basta !
    • 10 June 2009

    Bien étrange rapport que celui de la FAO sur l’accaparement des terres en Afrique. D’un côté les commanditaires demandent que les populations locales soient consultées et que les droits des paysans soient pris en compte. Mais de l’autre, les chercheurs refusent de parler d’accaparement et dénoncent « un certain nombre de préjugés erronés diffusés par les médias sur ce qu’on a appelé l’accaparement des terres. ».

  • Africa: Agriculture an underestimated "safety net"
    • IRIN
    • 09 June 2009

    IFAD says that "land grab deals" are opportunities and should be transparent.

  • Les dangers de la ruée sur les meilleures terres d'Afrique
    • Le Monde
    • 25 May 2009

    Les investisseurs internationaux jettent leur dévolu sur les terres agricoles – les meilleures et les mieux irriguées. Elles constituent pourtant le moyen de subsistances des populations locales. Mais les gouvernements font peu de cas de celles-ci.

  • Food security fuels land grab, says report
    • Financial Times
    • 24 May 2009

    Alarmed by exporters’ trade restrictions, food importing countries have realised that their dependence on the agricultural market makes them vulnerable not only to a surge in prices but, more crucially, to an interruption in supplies.

  • Africa almost giving land away, says UN
    • Financial Times
    • 24 May 2009

    African countries are giving away vast tracts of farmland to other countries and investors almost for free, according to a report published by IIED, IFAD and FAO

  • NGOs cry foul over rich-country ‘land grab’ in developing world
    • Bridges Weekly Trade News Digest
    • 20 May 2009

    A recent jump in rich country land purchases in the developing world has caught the attention of analysts in trade and human rights circles.

  • UN food agencies see "win-win" farmland deals
    • Reuters
    • 19 April 2009

    Rich nations buying farmland in less developed countries to boost own food supplies should also contribute to improving agriculture overseas, heads of two United Nations' food agencies said.

  • 10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now: 7. The Rent-A-Country
    • TIME Magazine
    • 13 Mar 2009

    Growing crops for strangers, of course, is nothing new. The long, grim march of colonialism was driven by Europe’s penchant for sugar, tea, tobacco and other crops that don’t flourish in northern climes. But as climate change and growing populations put ever more pressure on the earth, state-backed searches for land and food contracts as part of a national food-security strategy strike many as fundamentally new.

  • The growing demand for land: Risks and opportunities for smallholder farmers
    • International Fund for Agricultural Development
    • 19 February 2009

    Paper for the International Fund for Agricultural Development's Governing Council meeting

  • Foreign fields: Rich states look beyond their borders for fertile soil
    • Financial Times
    • 19 August 2008

    Alarmed by exporting countries’ trade restrictions, importing countries have realised that their dependence on the international food market makes them vulnerable not only to an abrupt surge in prices but, more crucially, to an interruption in supplies.

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