OPIC board approves nearly $500 million for renewable resources investment funds
    The US Overseas Private Investment Corporation pours $150 million into fund targeting farmland acquisitions in Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia
    • OPIC
    • 28 June 2011
    Land grabbing – a killing blow to the fight against poverty in Africa
    Oxfam concerned that land grabbing not being addressed adequately and with enough of a sense of urgency.
    • APA
    • 27 October 2010
    SilverStreet Fund focuses on agriculture in Africa
    SilverStreet is scouting for commercial farms in five countries — Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia.
    • Institutional Investor
    • 04 June 2010
    SilverStreet Fund focuses on agriculture in Africa
    Vaughan-Smith and his team of seven professionals are scouting for commercial farms in five countries — Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia — where conditions are deemed to be the most favorable.
    • Institutional Investor
    • 28 May 2010
    Malawi: Green Belt initiative taking shape
    Malawi's Civil Society Agriculture Network (Cisanet) argue that government is fuelling foreigner land grab at the expense of the welfare of locals.
    • IPS
    • 11 January 2010
    Djibouti: "La sécurité alimentaire constitue la priorité des priorités dans notre pays"
    Au niveau institutionnel, le gouvernement a mis en place cette année, la Société Djiboutienne de Sécurité Alimentaire qui est chargée notamment de la mise en œuvre et la gestion des projets de sécurité alimentaire sur des milliers d'hectares de terres fertiles mis à la disposition de notre pays par l'Ethiopie, le Soudan, et le Malawi.
    • La Nation
    • 03 December 2009
    Djibouti / pays du COMESA : Acquisition de terres arables
    "Jamais deux sans trois", dit-on. L'adage se vérifie avec la concession du Malawi, après l'Ethiopie, de quelques 55 000 ha de terres agricoles en faveur de Djibouti.
    • La Nation
    • 26 August 2009
    Malawian villagers lose land to sugar plantation
    Farm Radio International writer Gladson Makowa, visited a Malawian community where small-scale farmland was transformed into a sugarcane plantation. He reports on how locals are coping with the loss of farmland and hoping to keep their houses.
    • Farm Radio Weekly
    • 18 June 2009
    Interview: India Yes Bank sees 1st Africa farm project start 2011
    Yes Bank expects a $150 million Tanzanian rice and wheat project to reach full production by 2011, the first of several large African farms it is funding. "We are looking at a more inclusive model wherein the local farmers can be organised into a producers company, and they would be the suppliers to the processing facility. It's predominantly not to acquire huge tracts of land."
    • Reuters
    • 15 June 2009
    Africa becomes wary of farm deals: land activist
    African nations are becoming more cautious in selling farmland to foreign investors, with governments paying closer attention to deals that could lead to social unrest, AGRA says
    • Reuters
    • 09 June 2009
    Food security in Africa: China's new rice bowl
    Most Chinese investment in African agriculture is concentrated in southern Africa: Mozambique, Tanzania, Malawi and, increasingly, Angola.
    • China Brief
    • 27 May 2009
    Africa: Tractored out by “land grabs”?
    Mohammed Mbwana, who farms in the Tana River delta area and is an official of a local NGO, said the Qatar agreement would displace thousands of locals. At least 150,000 families in farming and pastoralist communities depend on the land in question, said to be part of Kenya’s biggest wetland.
    • IRIN
    • 11 May 2009

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