• Razzia sur les terres agricoles
    • Les Echos
    • 19 October 2009

    « On présente ces contrats comme “ gagnant-gagnant ”, mais c'est de la foutaise ! », s'agace Michel Merlet, directeur de l'ONG Agter.

  • Egyptian companies seek African land deals: Abaza
    • Reuters
    • 16 October 2009

    Farmland deals in Africa inked by private Egyptian firms, commonly called "land grabs," could help the import-dependent nation get access to grain when markets spike, Egypt's agriculture minister Amin Abaza said. "This is going to be a private initiative."

  • As US and other wealthy nations slash aid, UN warns of “silent tsunami of hunger” in global food crisis
    • Democracy Now!
    • 14 October 2009

    Devinder Sharma talks about landgrabbing in the context of the world food crisis on "Democracy Now!"

  • Sheik’s new agro firm shells out $80m
    • Addis Fortune
    • 12 October 2009

    Al Amoudi has a new company whose purpose is to grow food in Ethiopia for Saudi Arabia.

  • Egypt's Citadel to invest $200-$400 mln in 2010
    • Reuters
    • 29 September 2009

    Citadel, which also announced on Tuesday that it was investing in 500,000 feddans (210,000 hectares) of farmland in Sudan, is also looking to potential investments elsewhere in Africa: Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia.

  • The constant gardener
    • Times of India
    • 26 September 2009

    He owns land eight times the size of Mumbai, most of it in distant Ethiopia. His company, Karuturi Global, figures among the top 25 agri transnational corporations. But he wants more -- to break into the top 10 and rub shoulders with the likes of ConAgro and Cargill.

  • The new landlords
    • Times of India
    • 26 September 2009

    Ramakrishna Karuturi does not feature on any international power list. Perhaps he should.

  • Food pirates are expanding their tentacles, Pakistan an easy target
    • Ground Reality
    • 24 September 2009

    The 'Food Pirates' are fast expanding their network, their reach and their control over land. And it is happening fast in our own neighbourhood, writes Devinder Sharma.

  • Land grabs - Another scramble for Africa
    • Fahamu
    • 17 September 2009

    Civil society, including African farmers unions, need to educate local people that such land deals are not in their interests, however couched in 'win-win' terminology they appear to be.

  • Ethiopia’s gives away 2.7 million hectars of land
    • EthioPlanet
    • 15 September 2009

    Ethiopia’s government ruling tribal junta has defended its plan to offer 2.7 million hectares of farmland to foreign companies despite millions of citizens who need food aid from the international community.

  • Al Amoudi’s hunt for arable land swells to half a million hectares
    • Addis Fortune
    • 14 September 2009

    Sheik Mohammed Hussein Ali Al Amoudi, the second richest person in Saudi Arabia, is preparing to farm cereals on hundreds of thousands of hectares of Ethiopian land for export to Saudi Arabia

  • CGIAR joins global farmland grab
    • GRAIN
    • 08 September 2009

    An internal document recently posted on IRRI's website reveals that the Institute has been advising Saudi Arabia in the context of its strategy to acquire farm land overseas for its own food production.

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