While Ethiopian and foreign companies such as Karuturi Global and Saudi Star have been given large leases and credit to farm lands in Gambella, local people have largely been left out, just as they have been excluded for decades
- Ethiopia Insight
18 April 2019
Land deals along River Nile could easily impair its recharging potential if water abstraction is not regulated.
In our APRA study, we have been asking: what actually happens on the ground, even when corridors as originally planned are slow to materialise? Do the grand visions play out as expected? Who is involved and who loses out?
- Future Agricultures
22 Mar 2019
Ethiopian officials have revoked land leases in Addis Ababa that were held by dozens of investors, including Ethiopian-born Saudi billionaire Mohammed Hussein al-Amoudi.
Les responsables éthiopiens ont révoqué des baux fonciers détenus par des dizaines d’investisseurs, dont le milliardaire saoudien d’origine éthiopienne Mohammed Hussein al-Amoudi, selon la VOA
- Intellivoire
01 October 2018
L’étude porte principalement sur deux pays, le Kenya et l’Ethiopie
El año 2017 terminó como uno de los más fatídicos para los defensores de la tierra. También fue un año muy malo para muchos acaparadores de tierras.
L’année 2017 s’est avérée l’une des années les plus mortelles pour les défenseurs des terres. L’année a été assez mauvaise aussi pour plusieurs accapareurs de terres.
2017 went down as one of the deadliest years ever for land defenders. It was also a pretty bad year for several land grabbers.
A new report by ASO provides an assessment of the Karuturi project and the other land deals that the Ethiopian government has promoted in Gambela over the past decade through its land policies
The board of Oromia Investment Commission has approved 167 investment projects worth 5.37 billion Br. Over 81pc of them are in agriculture and agro-processing sectors.
- Addis Fortune
25 April 2018
Karuturi Agro Products PLC says it is about to recommence the troubled commercial farms it was forced to abandon in Ethiopia, last year, with a new 25,000 hectare lease.
- The Reporter
23 April 2018