IFC Regional Manager for Ukraine, Jason Brett Pellmar
A law to privatise farmland, ultimately for the benefit of global finance and agribusiness, was pushed through Parliament under pressure from the IMF in the context of the coronavirus crisis.
Mrs Marie Noelle ETONDE, SYNAPARCAM (Cameroun)
National Corps party members wearing protective suits and medical masks attend a rally near the building of the Ukrainian parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, on Mar. 17, 2020 to demand to shut the institution down during the quarantine, which lasts from March 13 to April 3. The protesters are particularly against the lawmakers passing the law on lifting the moratorium on farmland sales amid the quarantine. (Photo and text: Kyiv Post)
Businessman Vaja Jhashi's company Trans Oil Ltd, which received funding from developent banks, amassed tens of thousands of hectares of Moldovan farmland (Illustration by Yana Adamovic).
Feronia expands its plantations in Yalifombo, Tshopo Province, DRC, February 2020 (Photo: Oskar Epelde)
The five villagers at the tribunal hearing in Kisangani, 28 January 2020. (Photo: Oskar Epelde)
La Banque Mondiale semble être focalisée sur une vision capitaliste de la terre en se basant sur la collecte des taxes foncières. Mais dans nos villages « la terre ne se vend pas ».
Part du capital des principales firmes agroalimentaires détenue par les principales sociétés de gestion d'actifs
'We became the victims,' says G Hilary Gbah, one of the town's elders.
À Kiev, 17 policiers et deux manifestants ont été blessés lors d'affrontement devant le Parlement le 17 décembre 2019. REUTERS/Valentyn Ogirenko
Members of the Ndiaël land defenders collective. (Photo: GRAIN)
There are reports that "Les Fermes de la Téranga", the name of the new company that took over Senhuile and occupies its field office, is another front for financial mischief. (The security guards would not let us take photos, so we snuck around the side.) (Photo: GRAIN)
Half-buried rolls of barbed wire dot the landscape of the concession area like landmines. (Photo: GRAIN)
Members of the Ndiaël land defenders collective. (Photo: GRAIN)
Chiefs performing traditional rites at ancestral graves now belonging to SOCAPALM
L_R: Kusto Group Founder and Chair Yerkin Tatishev, Kazakh Prime Minister Askar Mamin and Tyson Foods President Noel White. The Kusto Group, a sprawling conglomerate involved in everything from mining to fast food franchises, has a farmland bank of over 16,000 ha in Kazakhstan and over 11,000 ha in Ukraine (Photo credit: primeminister.kz)
Joseph Fa’a Embolo dans le village Wala, le 17 décembre 2018 (CREDIT PHOTO CED)