Lamu Port (Photo: Flowerbeetle via Flickr)

Irrigated farm in Saudi Arabia (Photo: Arte)

Avant l'implantation des systèmes d’irrigation d'Addax Bioenergy, ces champs étaient utilisés par les communautés pour leur subsistance alimentaire

Cattle graze near wind turbines in Texas. Some on Wall Street have long been fans of farmland as part of an investment portfolio. EDDIE SEAL / Bloomberg News

Charmion McBride, chief operating officer, global farmland at Insight Investment, the big UK-based affiliate manager of BNY Mellon Asset Management

La Chine, dit Robert Zeigler, a déjà investi danes des zone rizicoles de l'Afrique subsaharienne, évoquant le Soudan, le Mali, le Sénégal, le Ghana et le delta du Niger. De tels investissements doivent être contrôlés mais pas refusés, selon lui.

Au Guatemala, le marché de l'huile de palme est détenu par cinq familles

AP2 CEO Eva Halvarsson

Zambeef will use the money from its stock market floatation to buy 123,550 acres of prime farming land in Zambia.

Photo: AFP

De nombreuses sociétés qui changent souvent de nom. PHOTO AFP

"If the government approves the proposal, we plan on taking 2,500 Bangladeshi farmers to work on 10,000 hectares in Uganda," says Nitol-Niloy chairman and BABO president Abdul Matlub Ahmed, who is also president of the India-Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industry.. "BABO will provide them with living expenses for the first two years before harvest occurs. Primarily 20% of the produce will be provided to the farmers there, and BABO will bring back 80% of the produce.  (Photo: Andy Kristian Agaba)