Leading farmers to Georgia: Bennie van Zyl, director of the Transvaal Agricultural Union.

Pêcheur de Ke Macina, région de Ségou (Timbuktuproject.com)

Kofi Annan : « Avec le problème du changement climatique, la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle mondiale est l’enjeu de notre époque ».

Siège du gouvernorat de la région de Sidi Bouzid, lieu de naissance de la révolution tunisienne. (Nicolas Fauqué/imagesdetunisie.com)

Conference de presse, Synergie paysanne

Abdul Rahman Saif Al Ghurair, Chairman of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Thomas Mirow, EBRD

A man drives his cattle in Mamba village outside the capital Antananarivo, 22 November 2010 (Reuters)

Anti-G20 banner reads "Down with the capitalism! Long live food sovereignty"  (Photo:  Associated Press in Paris on 22 June 2011)

Real assets held by the Oxford University endowment include farmland.

Illustration: Matt Golding

Buying the farm. Where Qatar are buying.

Eduardo Elsztain, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of IRSA Investments and Representations. Cresud is the farmland subsidiary of IRSA, Argentina's largest farmland owner. Cresud operates in Brazil through its subsidiary BrasilAgro (Photo: Reuters/Enrique Marcarian)