Fazenda Agrinor wants to produce 500 tons/year of vegetables without using land
Ver Angola | 23 May 2024

Fazenda Agrinor wants to produce 500 tons/year of vegetables without using land

by Tatiana Costa

Fazenda Agrinor is developing, in the commune of Bela Vista, municipality of Ambriz, in Bengo, a vegetable production project using technology in a hydroponic system, that is, in other words, it is a cultivation system which allows plants to grow in a water solution with nutrients without using land.

The farm, which has the collaboration of Agricultiva (a food security company of the Mitrelli Group) to implement this project, wants to produce approximately 500 tons per year of various vegetables, with the first lettuce harvest expected in August this year.

The provincial government of Bengo, in a statement to which VerAngola had access, states that the equipment will be assembled in July.
"The project, whose equipment assembly ends in July this year, expects to have the first lettuce harvest in August 2024 and other vegetables at the end of September/beginning of October", the note reads.

Regarding production, Barak Gover, technical and production director of Mitrelli and the enterprise, said that with this technology, the farm will have "continuous production, in several cycles annually, which could reach" a harvest of approximately 500 tons per year in various vegetables, such as lettuce, peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, pumpkin and approximately one million heads of cabbage per year.

In turn, the person responsible for the farm and promoter of the project, Nelson Coelho Martins, said that the project started in March last year, having received financing from the Development Bank of Angola, worth around four billion kwanzas.

Furthermore, he added that the project will create approximately 120 jobs, of which 110 are local, the number of which could increase, and 10 expatriates, the statement said.

The farm – which covers an area of around 5000 hectares, of which "around eight hectares are already leveled and four are occupied by greenhouses" – was visited, this Wednesday, by the provincial governor of Bengo, Maria Antónia Nelumba.
Accompanied, on the visit, by the vice-governor for Technical Services and Infrastructures, Edson Cruz, by the municipal administrator of Ambriz, António Tingão Mateus, and by members of the provincial governor and the municipal executive, the governor showed herself satisfied with the initiative.
According to the statement, Maria Antónia Nelumba expressed "satisfaction with the project that will increase the workforce and enrich the province with more production, exports and diversification of the economy".
On the occasion, she also took the opportunity to reaffirm the executive's "engagement in facilitating all types of investment that will contribute to the socio-economic development of the province".
URL to Article
Ver Angola https://www.verangola.net/va/en/052024/Environment/40122/Fazenda-Agrinor-wants-to-produce-500-tonsyear-of-vegetables-without-using-land.htm