Koh Kong communities protest sugar land concessions
Licadho| 6 March 2018

Koh Kong communities protest sugar land concessions

More than 100 villagers from communities affected by land grabbing in Koh Kong’s Sre Ambel district demonstrated today outside a factory owned by Koh Kong Sugar Industry Co. Ltd.

The protestors, from Chi Khor Leu, Chi Khor Krom and Dang Peng communes, were met by about 50 police and military police outside the factory.

The communities have fought for compensation since 2006 when hundreds of families were dispossessed by economic land concessions granted to sugar companies, one of which was partly owned by ruling party Senator Ly Yong Phat.

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Licadho http://www.licadho-cambodia.org/flashnews.php?perm=232