• Ethiopia: Zenawi on land grab policy that made farmers “cotton picking” slaves
    • Gadaa.com
    • 01 December 2009

    Video: Mr. Meles Zenawi, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, discusses his government’s land grab policy, where the federal government has taken over millions of hectares of farmland from the States of Benishangul, Gambela and Oromia to distribute it to the so-called investors.

  • Ethiopia: land of tomorrow
    • YouTube
    • 21 November 2009

    Documentary highlighting the investment opportunities in Ethiopia, produced for the Saudi-East African Forum.

  • Riz Khan: Africa investment or land grab?
    • Al Jazeera
    • 19 November 2009

    More and more of Africa's farmland is being bought up by private companies and countries. But should this trend be welcomed as much-needed foreign investment or is it a new form of colonialism? Join the Riz Khan show on Al Jazeera Thursday 19 November 2009.

  • 'Land-grab' for food security
    • Al Jazeera
    • 18 November 2009

    The French farming minister warned these "predatory investments" prevented countries from feeding themselves. Al Jazeera reports.

  • Le monopoly des terres agricoles
    • France 24
    • 17 November 2009

    Alors que 45 millions de Pakistanais - soit un quart de la population du pays - se trouveraient en situation d'insécurité alimentaire, Islamabad s'apprête à louer des terres cultivables à l'Arabie saoudite. Une décision qui fait polémique...

  • Farmer's sit-in at FAO World Summit, Rome 16 Nov 2009
    • WSF TV
    • 16 November 2009

    Land Grabbing, Food Sovereignty and Cimate Change are the issues expressed in front of FAO summit in Rome. Video interviews.

  • Agricultural land investment Ukraine
    • YouTube
    • 14 November 2009

    Land investments in Ukraine agriculture

  • The new phenomenon of land grabbing in Africa and its impact on livelihoods and ecosystems
    • UNU-IAS
    • 13 November 2009

    A look at land grabbing in Ethiopia, Sudan and Eritrea with a particular focus on pastoral and peasant farming communities, by Dr. Zeremariam Fre

  • Up for grabs: Deforestation and exploitation in Papua’s plantations boom
    • EIA
    • 11 November 2009

    The planned expansion of plantations in the Papuan provinces of Indonesia should be immediately suspended and reviewed amid concerns over massive deforestation and widespread exploitation of local communities, environmentalists warned today.

  • Marc Ravalomanana accuse!
    • Les Afriques
    • 04 November 2009

    Sur les terres agricoles cédées à la compagnie Daewoo, l’ex-président de Madagascar dit : « Ce sont de fausses informations. Un accord avec la compagnie Daewoo nécessite la ratification du parlement. Nous étions encore en phase de négociations. C’est pourquoi, dès qu’il y a eu ces problèmes, Daewoo s’est déployé en République démocratique du Congo où elle a obtenu 4 millions d’ha. »

  • Razzia sur les terres arables
    • Public Sénat
    • 22 October 2009

    Acheter des terres arables à l'étranger est devenu un investissement stratégique. Va-t-on vers un dépeçage de certains pays pauvres ? Reportage "Paroles du Monde" avec des représentants d'Agter, Le Monde et Agrogénération.

  • Ethiopia's farmland in high demand
    • Washington Post
    • 22 October 2009

    Officials in Ethiopia hope that the investment can help improve agriculture, replacing ox-and-plough with tractors, but some are concerned about whether the deals benefit the lessors.

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