• Are foreign investors colonising Africa?
    • Al Jazeera
    • 25 October 2011

    Indian author and media commentator Anand Giridharadas joins this Al Jazeera programme along with Oakland Institute’s Executive Director, Anuradha Mittal, and Christine L. Adamow, Managing Director of Africa BioFuel, a US company invested in farmland in Kenya and Tanzania.

  • Can industrialised farming make Africa feed the world?
    • BBC
    • 24 October 2011

    BBC film looks at large-scale industrial farming investments in Zambia.

  • Grabbing Gambela
    • 21 October 2011

    Short video documentary about a massive takeover of agricultural lands in the Gambela Region of Ethiopia.

  • Hambruna en África y privatización de tierras
    • Canal Solidario
    • 19 October 2011

    En este video/entrevista, Esther Vivas analiza los vínculos entre la hambruna en el Cuerno de África y la creciente oleada de privatización y acaparamiento de tierras en el continente.

  • Land grabs: Threat or opportunity?
    • Al Jazeera
    • 17 October 2011

    With 75% of the world's population making their living from farming, buying land in foreign countries to feed your country's growing population is not always welcome by the locals. Are land grabs good business or is it morally questionable?

  • China interest in Argentina land irks locals
    • Al Jazeera
    • 11 October 2011

    Farmers worried about damage that comes with the excessive use of chemicals in large-scale agriculture.

  • Derechos contra la carestía
    • Radio Mundo Real
    • 11 October 2011

    Representantes de campesinos, indígenas, pastores y pescadores artesanales dieron un claro mensaje a los gobiernos: para enfrentar la crisis alimentaria y el constante aumento de precios se debe detener el acaparamiento de tierras.

  • Major pension fund invests in farm land
    • FT
    • 10 October 2011

    Roger Ferguson, chief executive of TIAA-CREF, says his firm is increasingly acquiring farmland in the US, Eastern Europe, Australia and Brazil as long term investments.

  • Morgan bet farm in Ukraine before bailout
    • Bloomberg
    • 05 October 2011

    Bloomberg's Alan Katz reports on Morgan Stanley's farming venture on the steppes of Ukraine which it abandoned in July 2009. The failed gamble demonstrates how Wall Street firms, in the last gasp of a debt-fueled bull market, strayed further from their traditional businesses to embrace diverse projects with unfamiliar risks.

  • Sénégal : Réportage vidéo de la marche de Fanaye contre l'accaparement des terres
    • Pronat TV
    • 04 October 2011

    Grande rassemblement contre le projet du groupe italien Senhuile SA pour l’exploitation de 20 mille hectares de graines de tournesols dans la communauté rurale de Fanaye.

  • La ruée sur les terres
    • Université de Montréal
    • 03 October 2011

    Rodolphe De Koninck, professeur à l'Université de Montréal, nous explique les causes et les conséquences de ce phénomène.

  • BBC viewers' questions put to Cargill boss
    • BBC
    • 29 September 2011

    Cargill CEO says he's "concerned" about foreign farmland grabs and says "no company's big enough to be a police force onto itself".

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